Wednesday, 23 December 2015


If you do the Twitter thing, follow me at @HousingITguy
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It's great to have an ICT supplier you can rely on with a large portfolio of software, of use to you. Suppliers do have a habit these days of buying up others, and many are clearly trying hard to integrate products into more joined up solutions.

For the buyer it can sometimes be hard to know where the various components  have come from, particularly as they will be inevitably badged as  coming from the same supplier. Tellingly, my word processor just underlined 'badged' in red and suggested 'bodged' instead. In some cases that can be closer to the truth.

I was chatting with a client I have been working for some time with and they were bemoaning buying a cloud based solution from a provider, that also is one of their key ones. Sales staff made the right noises that applications would work together, probably without anyone watching the demo, pursuing written clarifications too vigorously. As a result, for many years they inefficiently copy & paste from one application to another, with no interface to speak of.

So how do we combat this? The buyer should always ask where the various modules come from, even if badged as though from the same source. Ask who owns the IP (Intellectual Property) and if its white labelled from that source, as many applications can be. If the look and feel is different, that is the first clue.

When thinking about interfaces, ask how many clients, very similar to yourselves, have already successfully interfaced and are live. These last two parts are crucial. Don't be put off by that tired old line 'well, we haven't found anything yet we cannot interface to'. There's always a first time and it could be with you!

Ask firmly that you want to obtain people to contact and visit to the site if felt necessary. Will they use the components like you, also how much of them are they using. Simple questions, but ones that will save you a whole pile of grief in the future. If the contacts are not forthcoming, decide if this is a deal breaker, or maybe you are happy to consider being a pioneer, possibly at a reduced cost to recompense you for increased risks.        

     Catch the blog monthly archive at

Related Post: Is Bigdata the solution for #ukHousing ? 


I would be pleased to connect with you on LinkedIn - Message me with any issues or queries, you would like to be explored in this blog. We generally receive a couple of suggestions each month.

Cream - BadgeCream - Badge.
(c) Tony Smith, Acutance Consulting 07854-655009

Access a quick list of our Social Housing ICT blog posts here
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Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Turn The Page

If you do the Twitter thing, follow me at @HousingITguy
or LinkedIn here

Have you ever had to summarise anything on just one page of A4? wow, it certainly concentrates the mind.

In contrast, during CSE French at school, I always struggled to fill a page of A4, sprinkling liberally with "il est jeudi et le soleil brille, tout est bon dans la ville", to burn up another 13 words. As you could predict, I achieved only a 'F' for my French CSE. One occasion in my life when I was robbed!

In a number of tender procurements, I have asked a question and requested a response, fitting on a single page of A4. One typical one is 'Explain your product USP's on a single page. How should a supplier interpret that, what would you expect?

I think by now I have worked through most housing management system providers, contractor, mobile and finance module suppliers, with that question. if I had £500 for each one that have asked me if they 'could extend it as they cannot  fit their USPs on a single page', I would have about six grand towards my pension by now.

I know it's often easier to cut and paste from the sales brochure PDFs, but does anyone really expect to impress with that? Indeed, in today's very competitive environment of software providers, what exactly is 'unique'?

Single database? Loads of databases? All Microsoft and SQL Server? HTML5? A GUI that uses Comic Sans? SSRS Reports? Everything in the Cloud? Configurable FU's? Biggest UK user group ever? All UK based employees?, Across the world based support team? Software house doing most charity events? Blimey, which ones to use?

It does take a clever supplier to score highest from clients in response to that question.  A smart supplier with imagination to choose the right USP's to meet the prospects needs, is probably the type of supplier we might prefer to work with, in our projects. So, it's fair to say, less is definitely more. Quality is always bound to trump quantity. So my top tip for suppliers is in response to that question, it might be best to fit something much more short and thoughtful on a post-it, for maximum scores.

     Catch the blog monthly archive at

Related Post: Around socialhousing voids, should we make better use of 'The Nudge'? 


I would be pleased to connect with you on LinkedIn - Message me with any issues or queries, you would like to be explored in this blog. We generally receive a couple of suggestions each month.

Metallica - Turn The PageMetallica - Turn The Page.
(c) Tony Smith, Acutance Consulting 07854-655009

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Friday, 11 December 2015


If you do the Twitter thing, follow me at @HousingITguy
or LinkedIn here

Last week I had an enjoyable day at one of the business suites at Old Trafford, with a view of the half ryegrass & half artificial pitch, getting a healthy suntan. It was the inaugural meeting of the Tenant Management Forum, organised by that good egg John Doyle, of the Housing Contact Company.

I am a massive fan of events like this, that bring together a number of organisations to share what they are doing, and how they tackle common problems in different ways. This is the second of these types of events, where I have participated on a panel. This one was great and I think I have met some new friends, who are attacking areas like arrears and satisfaction in some new ways.

A theme of the whole event was 'contact'. the solution that was being used by many is an automated contact platform. Platforms that help you dial a number, have been about since the 1990's, this goes one step further by automatically engaging and creating the incoming call. Bad numbers are also returned to users, so data can be easily updated (or chased) from the customer service centre. Sometimes more easily said than done that one, you might say. Much of our efficiency does turn on accurate contact details though.

A number of areas were discussed, including if in social housing we are commercial enough. Barry Marlow was on hand to agree that we were not quite hitting the spot with that and mixing it with a social heart. Often our board members and chief execs are the barriers to acting more commercial it seems. Some users of Call2collect are managing to attach Former Tenant Arrears in a very commercial manner, with the example of over 35% increase in collection at Riverside.

I have found that staff are often reluctant to pursue arrears, against official policy and often to the consternation of managers. Rachael Watson from Riverside was an extremely interesting speaker and it was clear, the extra challenges a large organisation like that, have to manage. Something like Call2collect or any new application can make that job easier, as staff have a new reason to adapt if its newly being introduced. Managers who use this argument fast, make quicker inroads in my experience.

Call2survey allows satisfaction to be zoomed in on too. Clearly ramping up response rates from 5-7% up to 32% and above, provides a number of opportunities to capture problems. This can increase the number of complaints logged, which sounds counter-intuitive.  This just reflects that many complaints and issues with repairs and customer service, were not originally being logged. It was clear that organisations, such as Accent and Adactus were using the exercise to nail problems and improve service. Better service equals lower costs, better to get things right first time, with maximum efficiency.

I seriously hope this is one of many Tenant Management Forum events going forward. With a great group of people in the sector exchanging ideas and best practice, these will be of great value for the future. See you next time! 

Find out more about the Housing Contact Company here -

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Related Post: Has your organisation discovered Yammer yet? 

I would be pleased to connect with you on LinkedIn - Message me with any issues or queries, you would like to be explored in this blog. We generally receive a couple of suggestions each month.

Edwin Starr - ContactEdwin Starr - Contact.
(c) Tony Smith, Acutance Consulting 07854-655009

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File Under: 360,1stTouch,4Js. , 07854655009 , ," """" ",,#UKHousing,#HousingDAY, #HomesForBritain, #Shout,1st Touch,3squared,Accuserv,Acutence,Aareon,Academy,ActiveH,AirWatch,Alignment,ALMO,Anite,Apex,ArchHouse,Archouse,asbestos,Asprey e-state pro,Asset Management,Aurora,Average IT Costs,App,Associates,ACL,Abritas,AMS,AX,aspireview, BO,BPR,Browser Applications,Business Objects,Business Planning, Business Process Review,Business social networking, Blockwise, Block wise,BI,BancTec,BluTek,Bluebox, Castle,CBL,Cedar Open Accounts,Cx,Change,Cheaper Housing IT,Chics, CHR,Citrix,Civica,Clearview,CMS , CCS IT Keystone CCSIT,Civica Genero,Contractor Systems,CORE,CorVu,Cost Reductions,Covalent,CRM,Crystal Reports,CTI,CTX,Customer Relationship Management,Cashflow, COA,Coactiva,Codeman,Comino,Competitive Dialogue process,complex IT procurements,Component Accounting, Community Reward Services, Consilium, Consolidation, Consultancy,Consultant,Contact Manager,Context,CIH,Chartered Institute Of Housing,Cadcorp,Cerrus Saturn,convergeOne,CACI,CPL, CRS Director, Deeplake,Development Systems,Accuserve,Document Management,Documotive,datasystems , Microsoft dynamics GP 2013, DynamicAI, Dynamic AI, ECMK,EDRMS,England, English,EnterpriseBI,ERP Systems,ERP,Elmhurst,Estatecraft,EDM,ESRI,Exponential-e, Finance, Financial Systems, Financials, Factorwise,Facebook ,Footprint,Fusion, Getting best from,gotonysmith, Grasp,Grip,GeoSolveIT,GIS,GGP,Genero,HouSys,Housing software,HG,Housemark survey,Housing Blueprint,Housemark, HRA,housingtITguy,Housing Support Pro,HousingSupportPro,Housing Options, Housing Group,hotpixuk, HousingIT,hotpix,Hardware,Hitex,Housing Contact Company,Impact Response,iPayPro,implementations,iRobot,In House,InHouse,In4,InMotion, InMotion2016, InMotion2015, InMotion2016 , Exhibition, conference,Housing Management Consultant,Housing Management Consultants, Infoflow,Information Technology,Informix,inHouse,in-house workforce, Innovation,Inside Housing,Internet Portal,Internetalia, Invu,Ireland,Irish,Inphase , IT Budget,IT Training,iWorld, Innovation Group Apex,ITIL, In4Systems Promaster,IT,Insight, iSupport,iSupportPro, Keylogic,Keystone,Kirona,Kypera,Keyfax,Ledgers,Linkedin,Locality,Liquid Voice,MD ,Mr Void , MrVoid, Measuring Change,Mebus,Miracle,MISCS,mDesign,mobile functionality,mobile platform,Monopoly board images and pictures, Montal,MS Dynamics,MS Dynamics CRM2011,Miracle Software,MDM,Management,CRM2013,Reporting,MI,M3,MIS,MIS-AMS,Mobysoft, Northgate Codeman,Neighbourhoods and Communities, Northgate,Notice,NROSH,NINTEX,NINTEX workflow,Natural Forms,Nintexworkflow, OA,OGC Buying Solutions,Ohms,OJEU Limits,OmFax,Omniledger,Open source software,open tender,OpenHousing,Opti-time,Oracle,Orchard,Optitime DRS,Outsource and outsourcing,OpenContractor,ORS,OneServe, PIMMS Data Systems, Paloma,performance management systems,PfH, Pick,PIMMS,pimms4communities, Planned maintenance,People Value,Plus, Peoplevalue, PM,Progress,Promaster,Proval,Pyramid,PRINCE2,prince,Pamwin,PlanForm, Propoints, Pro-Points QL,QLX,Quiss,Qlikview, Registered Providers,Registered Social Landlord,Rent Increase Freezes,Repairfinder,Reporting,Reports,ROCC,RobotAutomation, Rocket,RPs,RSL,Reality,ReAct,reidmark,RM865, Saffron,SAP,Scots, Scottish,Scenario, Scotland,SDM,sector,TonySmithHou,Safron,Server Virtualisation,servicing, Servitor,Sharepoint, Simdel,Simdell,SimPro,Sim Pro,Slash and Burn,Social Media,Software,SQL Open Housing,SQL Reporting Services,SQL reporting services,SQL Server,Star rating,Stores and Stock,Strategic Asset Management,Sunguard ,Surveys,Sx3,System alignment, TonySmithHousing, Systemwise,SM,Sequoa,Serros,SP,Scout,score,Swordfish,Serengeti,SOTI,southview,Sunguard,Service Charges,Spotlight Service, Spotlightservice, SunAccounts, Template,Task,Terminal Services, tonys , tonysm , tonysmi , tonysmith, tonysmitht, gotonysmith, tableau Business Dashboards, tonysmithth, tonysmiththa, tonysmiththat, tonysmiththath, tonysmiththatho, tonysmiththathou, tonysmiththathous, tonysmiththathousi, tonysmiththathousin, tonysmiththathousing,Tony Smith That,Tony Smith That Housing IT Guy,TonySmith that housing IT, guy,tonysmiththathousing, tonysmiththathousinguy,tony smith housing guy,sharepoint, share point, SHBVN, Three Star,Today,Total repairs,Tribal,Twitter,U2, tonysmith , tonysmiththat , thathousing , thathousingIT , thathousingITguy, TED,Tagish Casework,TP Tracker,Telecetera,Tagra,Trace, Totalmobile, Total Mobile, UniClass Enterprise,Unidata,Universal Housing,Universalcredit, universal credit, universal credits,UC,Universe,Unrest, UK, United Kingdom ,Ukhousing,UK Housing, Van Stock,Voice and data,Vantage Sentinel,verse one,verseone,vWork,Version One,Visualmetrics,Voluntas, Wales,Welsh,Windows Server,Workflow and tasking,Wheatley,Works Connect,worksConnect, Xmbrace,XML ,XenApp,Xen App .

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Seeing Double

If you do the Twitter thing, follow me at @HousingITguy
or LinkedIn here

On compiling some functional requirements for a CRM module, one request was, a means of preventing duplicate entry of contacts. Isn't that the holy grail?

Everyone I know is plagued by duplicate contacts in their systems. Some are converted there, when a an independent lettings waiting list meets rent account households, in a new system. In a general sense many are just plugged in there without thought by your customer service team.

I have heard some people say, "Why does that matter to me". Why is it a problem?

Well, it's bad for your organisation, clearly wasting time and money in a whole number of hidden ways. There might be a whole raft of contact numbers, but is that on the most recent or most accurate contact? How much time might it take an arrears team member to try all five numbers, to locate the only half decent one, on the third version of the contact? Are you feeling my pain yet?

Duplicate contacts cause incorrect communication and makes your organisation look unprofessional. As the problem gets worse, it becomes an even bigger mountain to climb. How much time must be set aside for sorting out such a problem? It's not surprising that so many organisations just live with it.

Shouldn't suppliers be helping us on two fronts. One to stop us getting those duplicates in, at the front of the process and helping us de-duplicate them, once muppets have managed to get them in? Some CRM systems allow restrictions to empower only certain users to be able to add contacts. That puts a gate-keeper at the door, but would that work practically? Well it would slow a lot of people down. 

De-dup tools are frequently on supplier roadmaps but rarely seem to effectively surface in reality. Tools to restrict new contacts by comparing surname, DOB and initial, with cross-checks possible on NI Number or other data, seem to be the best we can do. Managers obviously need to enforce these checks too. 

I have done quite a few pieces of work to help people track and address poor and duplicate data. In many cases, once a great deal of data cleansing has taken place, it helps focus minds if some exception reports are created, that take the errors, straight back to the source. If a user is entering tenant or joint tenant contacts who are aged under 16, give it back to them to correct.

They won't like it, but after they have had a few hundred to fix, they will be 'on the bus', I promise you.    

     Catch the blog monthly archive at

Related Post: Is your organisation superfly? Have they discovered the power of drones yet?


I would be pleased to connect with you on LinkedIn - Message me with any issues or queries, you would like to be explored in this blog. We generally receive a couple of suggestions each month.

Ian Hunter - Seeing DoubleIan Hunter - Seeing Double.
(c) Tony Smith, Acutance Consulting 07854-655009

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Friday, 4 December 2015

Safe from harm

If you do the Twitter thing, follow me at @HousingITguy
or LinkedIn here

Effective Safeguarding has been a feature since the 2014 care act, which enshrined some new requirements around adults. Housing Association/RSL/RP staff are the eyes and ears of the organisation and I am sure informally, issues such as hoarding and potential abuse, have always been passed back, by concerned staff.

Pretty much all organisations since 2014 have placed formal training in place to enforce a mindset of thinking in a safeguarding frame of mind. For some more information on supporting frontline staff, this link from the SCIE is excellent

I was recently involved in a procurement and implementation where I received the same training session as repair trades staff. We were rolling out a new mobile working system and decided that safeguarding should be an integral part of the bread & butter system. A brilliant idea IMHO.

We set about creating a mobile form that could be used by a member of staff already at a location for a particular purpose, or if they just spotted something while passing. The former can pull in asset address and other details from the initial task. Where something is spotted, a free text search can be quickly made to bring up the nearest asset, or tag from long & lat coordinates.

The key thing is that the details can be captured quickly, with enough info to not need a secondary chase-up for further details, except in exceptional cases. The suspected area of abuse is captured, each is explained with a short narrative to help the user. These include abuse that is physical, sexual, psychological, financial, neglect, discriminatory or institutional.  At this point if serious, on the mobile form, a 999 call can be initiated, or a call made to the internal safeguarding contact(s).

If possible, photographs can be captured, with comments and all the above details emailed in to the safeguarding team. A workflow task or SMS text could also be initiated.

This means that logging a safeguarding observation is easy to record and a clear audit trail left for the organisation. If the information is managed correctly, other agencies involved, warning flags updated in back office systems, it might improve those communities and reduce costs of providing services.     

How can the technology you have access to, assist your organisation in managing recording safeguarding issues, more efficiently?

     Catch the blog monthly archive at

Related Post: Has your organisation discovered Yammer yet?

I would be pleased to connect with you on LinkedIn - Message me with any issues or queries, you would like to be explored in this blog. We generally receive a couple of suggestions each month.

Massive Attack - Safe From HarmMassive Attack - Safe From Harm.
(c) Tony Smith, Acutance Consulting 07854-655009

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File Under: 360,1stTouch,4Js. , 07854655009 , ," """" ",,#UKHousing,#HousingDAY, #HomesForBritain, #Shout,1st Touch,3squared,Accuserv,Acutence,Aareon,Academy,ActiveH,AirWatch,Alignment,ALMO,Anite,Apex,ArchHouse,Archouse,asbestos,Asprey e-state pro,Asset Management,Aurora,Average IT Costs,App,Associates,ACL,Abritas,AMS,AX,aspireview, BO,BPR,Browser Applications,Business Objects,Business Planning, Business Process Review,Business social networking, Blockwise, Block wise,BI,BancTec,BluTek,Bluebox, Castle,CBL,Cedar Open Accounts,Cx,Change,Cheaper Housing IT,Chics, CHR,Citrix,Civica,Clearview,CMS , CCS IT Keystone CCSIT,Civica Genero,Contractor Systems,CORE,CorVu,Cost Reductions,Covalent,CRM,Crystal Reports,CTI,CTX,Customer Relationship Management,Cashflow, COA,Coactiva,Codeman,Comino,Competitive Dialogue process,complex IT procurements,Component Accounting, Community Reward Services, Consilium, Consolidation, Consultancy,Consultant,Contact Manager,Context,CIH,Chartered Institute Of Housing,Cadcorp,Cerrus Saturn,convergeOne,CACI,CPL, CRS Director, Deeplake,Development Systems,Accuserve,Document Management,Documotive,datasystems , Microsoft dynamics GP 2013, DynamicAI, Dynamic AI, ECMK,EDRMS,England, English,EnterpriseBI,ERP Systems,ERP,Elmhurst,Estatecraft,EDM,ESRI,Exponential-e, Finance, Financial Systems, Financials, Factorwise,Facebook ,Footprint,Fusion, Getting best from,gotonysmith, Grasp,Grip,GeoSolveIT,GIS,GGP,Genero,HouSys,Housing software,HG,Housemark survey,Housing Blueprint,Housemark, HRA,housingtITguy,Housing Support Pro,HousingSupportPro,Housing Options, Housing Group,hotpixuk, HousingIT,hotpix,Hardware,Hitex,Housing Contact Company,Impact Response,iPayPro,implementations,iRobot,In House,InHouse,In4,InMotion, InMotion2016, InMotion2015, InMotion2016 , Exhibition, conference, Infoflow,Information Technology,Informix,inHouse,in-house workforce, Innovation,Inside Housing,Internet Portal,Internetalia, Invu,Ireland,Irish,Inphase , IT Budget,IT Training,iWorld, Innovation Group Apex,ITIL, In4Systems Promaster,IT,Insight, iSupport,iSupportPro, Keylogic,Keystone,Kirona,Kypera,Keyfax,Ledgers,Linkedin,Locality,Liquid Voice,MD ,Mr Void , MrVoid, Measuring Change,Mebus,Miracle,MISCS,mDesign,mobile functionality,mobile platform,Monopoly board images and pictures, Montal,MS Dynamics,MS Dynamics CRM2011,Miracle Software,MDM,Management,CRM2013,Reporting,MI,M3,MIS,MIS-AMS,Mobysoft, Northgate Codeman,Neighbourhoods and Communities, Northgate,Notice,NROSH,NINTEX,NINTEX workflow,Natural Forms,Nintexworkflow, OA,OGC Buying Solutions,Ohms,OJEU Limits,OmFax,Omniledger,Open source software,open tender,OpenHousing,Opti-time,Oracle,Orchard,Optitime DRS,Outsource and outsourcing,OpenContractor,ORS,OneServe, PIMMS Data Systems, Paloma,performance management systems,PfH, Pick,PIMMS,pimms4communities, Planned maintenance,People Value,Plus, Peoplevalue, PM,Progress,Promaster,Proval,Pyramid,PRINCE2,prince,Pamwin,PlanForm, Propoints, Pro-Points QL,QLX,Quiss,Qlikview, Registered Providers,Registered Social Landlord,Rent Increase Freezes,Repairfinder,Reporting,Reports,ROCC,RobotAutomation, Rocket,RPs,RSL,Reality,ReAct,reidmark,RM865, Saffron,SAP,Scots, Scottish,Scenario, Scotland,SDM,sector,TonySmithHou,Safron,Server Virtualisation,servicing, Servitor,Sharepoint, Simdel,Simdell,SimPro,Sim Pro,Slash and Burn,Social Media,Software,SQL Open Housing,SQL Reporting Services,SQL reporting services,SQL Server,Star rating,Stores and Stock,Strategic Asset Management,Sunguard ,Surveys,Sx3,System alignment, TonySmithHousing, Systemwise,SM,Sequoa,Serros,SP,Scout,score,Swordfish,Serengeti,SOTI,southview,Sunguard,Service Charges,Spotlight Service, Spotlightservice, SunAccounts, Template,Task,Terminal Services, tonys , tonysm , tonysmi , tonysmith, tonysmitht, gotonysmith, tableau Business Dashboards, tonysmithth, tonysmiththa, tonysmiththat, tonysmiththath, tonysmiththatho, tonysmiththathou, tonysmiththathous, tonysmiththathousi, tonysmiththathousin, tonysmiththathousing,Tony Smith That,Tony Smith That Housing IT Guy,TonySmith that housing IT, guy,tonysmiththathousing, tonysmiththathousinguy,tony smith housing guy,sharepoint, share point, SHBVN, Three Star,Today,Total repairs,Tribal,Twitter,U2, tonysmith , tonysmiththat , thathousing , thathousingIT , thathousingITguy, TED,Tagish Casework,TP Tracker,Telecetera,Tagra,Trace, Totalmobile, Total Mobile, UniClass Enterprise,Unidata,Universal Housing,Universalcredit, universal credit, universal credits,UC,Universe,Unrest, UK, United Kingdom ,Ukhousing,UK Housing, Van Stock,Voice and data,Vantage Sentinel,verse one,verseone,vWork,Version One,Visualmetrics,Voluntas, Wales,Welsh,Windows Server,Workflow and tasking,Wheatley,Works Connect,worksConnect, Xmbrace,XML ,XenApp,Xen App .

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Cooking data into information

If you do the Twitter thing, follow me at @HousingITguy
or LinkedIn here

Asbestos, love it or hate it, we have to manage it carefully, don't we?

The other day I was watching a demo of someone logging a repairs order in a CRM module and a message popped up. It was a warning that asbestos was present at the asset. Now in this case i think the point for the audience was to demonstrate that asbestos info was properly integrated to the contacts address & rent account.

However, spookily I have seen plenty of live running CRM modules where a message pops up, telling users that blue asbestos is present. You know what they do, they click OK to clear it off the screen. They certainly don't say, "Hey Mrs Miggings, I have got to warn you, you're riddled with blue asbestos, although don't worry about it!". Well most I work with don't anyway.

So what on earth would a message like that be for? Why have it and what would be of greater use?
Well obviously, CRM staff don't need to see that message, it just needs to find its way to all our external and internal workforces are fully aware of it, before starting works. Messages should be tailored to the context. If we have a non-English as first or preferred language speaker on the line, let's see that clearly and know we need to take extra care.

In addition, those messages can be translated in a more accessible way for operatives and contractors. For example, we might collect lots of vulnerability and disability data, how do we turn that into information, for say a plumber or a neighbourhood officer?  Well, a vulnerability such as 'Wheelchair user' could be easily translated to an icon indicating limited mobility. 'Deafness' of various degrees can be translated to 'Knock hard & Wait'. 'Violent' can be translated to a 'No lone visits'.

It's the difference between data and information and we often fall into the trap of thinking they are the same. They are similar, but poles apart in what can make us effective. Imagine data is green paddy field rice, stretching for miles and information is the nice white, fluffy stuff we enjoy so much with savoury sauces, in a small portion, served up on our plates.

The way we turn data into information is to add context. Information aids the transmission of knowledge and moves us closer to an end goal. If that's waiting ten minutes longer, for that customer to get to the door to let our plumber in, that's a result. I see too many reports too, in our software solutions, falling short of giving us information. It's a few columns of data at best in most cases. So let's up our game, get cooking, people!

     Catch the blog monthly archive at

Related Post: Are some of our system problems because we sometimes just view 'Go-Live' as the endgame? 


I would be pleased to connect with you on LinkedIn - Message me with any issues or queries, you would like to be explored in this blog. We generally receive a couple of suggestions each month.

Salad - No 1 CookingSalad - No 1 Cooking.
(c) Tony Smith, Acutance Consulting 07854-655009

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