Thursday, 27 August 2015

Where has all my good time gone?

If you do the Twitter thing, follow me at @hotpixUK
or LinkedIn here

I often wish I had a big box of time. On a rare trip to a local hostelry last week, conversation turned to everyone's lack of time and if anyone had any top tips to squeeze just a bit more out of the day. Some pretty sensible ideas came out of it. Worth sharing I thought. While I am sure many readers of this blog take advantage of many of these already, there might be a few useful gold nuggets here.

Feel free to share any new tips too.

1) Don't let the demands of others burn up your time. If someone asks for a meeting, offer them5 minutes (& keep to it), or a formal 30 minute meeting next week or booked in the diary.

2) Make sure all meetings result in actions to stem from decisions. Use a flip chart to record action points, who and when the target to complete is

3) Start & finish meetings on time. If the chair is late, start it on time and chair it yourself. Always ensure minutes are taken

4) Arrive at meetings 20 minutes early to sort out any issues. E.G. to curtail the current meeting on time or get the equipment connected & working.

5) Learn to delegate often and let people know how much freedom they will have in achieving the outcome, by a stated target date.

6) When delegating, keep control of the task, rather than leaving staff to sink or swim. Make sure when finished, they get a personal "ThankYou".

7) When working from home, keep a set routine to separate home & work. Start & finish at the same times, have lunch at a regular time, so colleagues know when you can be contacted or probably not.

8) When working from home, make a 'Do not disturb' sign to display when busy. Differentiate when working by closing your working room door (, or leaving it open when you are not).

9) When working from home, unless you expect work visitors, don't have a visitors chair, it will attract distractions from family etc

10) For amending documents, learn how to use Microsoft Word's mark-up feature properly, use it and read again in detail one more time afterwards.

11) Decide when to cherry pick from a document, skim read or plough through the whole document. Sometimes, diagrams & graphs will summarise the general meaning.

12) Relax with email, checking it possibly just twice daily, e.g. First thing in the morning and at lunchtime. Keep it closed otherwise, to reduce distractions.

13) Use your email program's address book. So many people I know rely on email address autofill, which can make it easy to send email to the wrong targets. Also, the address book will hold contact and address details, making CTI possible.

14) Set up and use email filters properly to segregate and auto-file common types of messages. For example I do this where subscribing to e-procurement websites. Opportunities can be reviewed together, rather than mixed up with all the other more important emails.

15) Always carry a good sized USB stick (32GB or larger) on your bunch of car keys, always available to move larger documents, images and files around.

16) Say 'No' more often. Particularly if saying 'Yes' is leading to work overload, poor productivity, you letting people down or working late too often. It's OK to say No, but tell people why and suggest an alternative work reason.

17) If you are easily distracted on to other tasks, as they pop into your head, record them in a personal notebook, or an app accessible from mobile tablets, phones & laptops, like Evernote. These can be returned to at a more convenient time.

18) Disconnect instant messaging. Don't instantly give others your attention unless it's crucial

19) Avoid wasting time on the internet. Block out other distractions like Facebook and other forms of social media unless you use these tools to generate business.

20) Finish your working day at a fixed time. Do not let work creep to fill your evening. Consider  two finishing times. One tuned for an ideal day, then one latest time that you won’t work past.

Related Post: Are you controlling the paper in your organisation?


I would be pleased to connect with you on LinkedIn - Message me with any issues or queries, you would like to be explored in this blog. We generally receive a couple of suggestions each month.

David Bowie - Where have all the good times goneDavid Bowie - Where have all the good times gone.
(c) Tony Smith, Acutance Consulting 07854-655009

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Sunday, 23 August 2015

Feels like we only go backwards

If you do the Twitter thing, follow me at @hotpixUK
or LinkedIn here

I was reminiscing the other day when a customer I was working with, received an email attachment they could not open. They were still on Office 2003 and it was a .DOCX type document. In a modern version of office, I managed to open and re-save backwards so it could be read. Apparently the user could not have the office 2010 viewers, as they were 'Non-Standard'. Just reflect on that.

How could the need for a standard ICT environment overrule actual usability for its users? It just doesn't make sense does it? Many years ago at a local authority I won't name, but was on an island that declared itself a Microsoft-Free zone. (Many of my housing colleagues and wider friends might find that very attractive). Think about that, all those savings from ramped up license fees, new creative ways of charging by the processor cores & all that. Freedom indeed and it made economic sense to the elected councillors.

The big problem was that the staff had difficulty reading half the documents and spreadsheets that came in. Vertical applications for departments had problems too, as they came with integration to Microsoft and other mainstream products, not Lotus SmartSuite (or whatever it was). Staff actually took files home in order to read them and do their jobs. Clearly not a good situation.

After a number of departments  travelled over to the mainland, (the nearest PC world was only 10 miles away), they bought a few copies of Office out of their own budgets, some out of their own pockets! I remember a very heated meeting where users & IT staff were arguing hammer & tongues. The ICT support person stated "Well if you buy Microsoft office from your own budget we CANNOT support you!". The user replied rather angrily, "Well you don't fu**ing well support us now with this cr*p, do you?I felt sorry for the IT support people, after all it was not their doing really.

It wasn't too long later that that island permitted Microsoft products again throughout its council. Probably proving that no man is an island (completely) from Microsoft.

Still, it does underline the point that ICT rather than blindly keeping to a simple, standard applications image, that's easy for them to maintain, needs to flex to allow users in the business or organisation to carry out their work without unreasonable strait-jackets.  Do you suffer this problem in your organisation, if so are ICT serving your organisation or the other way around?          

Related Post: Skype speaking translation, could this be of great use to us in #UKhousing ?


I would be pleased to connect with you on LinkedIn - Message me with any issues or queries, you would like to be explored in this blog. We generally receive a couple of suggestions each month.

Tame Impala - Feels like we only go backwardsTame Impala - Feels like we only go backwards.
(c) Tony Smith, Acutance Consulting 07854-655009

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File Under: 360,1stTouch,4Js. , 07854655009 , ," """" ",,#UKHousing,#HousingDAY, #HomesForBritain, #Shout,1st Touch,3squared,Accuserv,Acutence,Aareon,Academy,ActiveH,Alignment,ALMO,Anite,Apex,ArchHouse,Archouse,asbestos,Asprey e-state pro,Asset Management,Aurora,Average IT Costs,App,Associates,ACL,Abritas,AMS,AX,aspireview, BO,BPR,Browser Applications,Business Objects,Business Planning, Business Process Review,Business social networking, Blockwise, Block wise,BI,BancTec,BluTek,Bluebox, Castle,CBL,Cedar Open Accounts,Cx,Change,Cheaper Housing IT,Chics, CHR,Citrix,Civica,Clearview,CMS , CCS IT Keystone CCSIT, Contractor Systems,CORE,CorVu,Cost Reductions,Covalent,CRM,Crystal Reports,CTI,CTX,Customer Relationship Management,Cashflow, COA,Coactiva,Codeman,Comino,Competitive Dialogue process,complex IT procurements,Component Accounting, Community Reward Services, Consilium, Consolidation, Consultancy,Consultant,Contact Manager,Context,CIH,Chartered Institute Of Housing,Cadcorp,Cerrus Saturn,convergeOne,CACI,CPL, CRS Director, Deeplake,Development Systems,Accuserve,Document Management,Documotive,datasystems , Microsoft dynamics GP 2013, DynamicAI, Dynamic AI, ECMK,EDRMS,England, English,EnterpriseBI,ERP Systems,ERP,Elmhurst,Estatecraft,EDM,ESRI,Exponential-e, Finance, Financial Systems, Financials, Factorwise,Facebook ,Fusion, Getting best from,gotonysmith, Grasp,Grip,GeoSolveIT,GIS,GGP, HouSys,Housing software,HG,Housemark survey,Housing Blueprint,Housemark, HRA, Housing Options, Housing Group,hotpixuk, HousingIT,hotpix,Hardware,Hitex,Housing Contact Company,Housing Management Consultant,Housing Management Consultants, Impact Response,implementations,In House,In4,InMotion, InMotion2014, InMotion2015, InMotion2016 , Exhibition, conference, Infoflow,Information Technology,Informix,inHouse,in-house workforce, Innovation,Inside Housing,Internet Portal,Internetalia, Invu,Ireland,Irish,Inphase , IT Budget,IT Training,iWorld, Innovation Group Apex,ITIL, In4Systems Promaster,IT,Insight, Keylogic,Keystone,Kirona,Kypera,Keyfax, Ledgers,Linkedin,Locality,Liquid Voice, MD ,Mr Void , MrVoid, Measuring Change,Mebus,Miracle,MISCS, mobile functionality,Monopoly board images and pictures, Montal,MS Dynamics,MS Dynamics CRM2011,Miracle Software,Management Reporting,MI,M3,MIS,MIS-AMS,Mobysoft, Northgate Codeman,Neighbourhoods and Communities, Northgate,Notice,NROSH,NINTEX , NINTEX workflow,Nintexworkflow, OA,OGC Buying Solutions,Ohms,OJEU Limits,OmFax,Omniledger,Open source software,open tender,OpenHousing,Opti-Time,Oracle,Orchard,Outsource and outsourcing,OpenContractor,ORS,OneServe, PIMMS Data Systems, Paloma,performance management systems,PfH, Pick,PIMMS,pimms4communities, Planned maintenance,People Value,Plus, Peoplevalue, PM,Progress,Promaster,Proval,Pyramid,PRINCE2,prince,Pamwin,PlanForm, Propoints, Pro-Points QL,QLX,Quiss,Qlikview, Registered Providers,Registered Social Landlord,Rent Increase Freezes,Repairfinder,Reporting,Reports,ROCC , Rocket,RPs,RSL,Reality,ReAct,reidmark,RM865, Saffron,SAP,Scots, Scottish,Scenario, Scotland,SDM,sector,TonySmithHou,Server Virtualisation,servicing, Servitor,Sharepoint,Simdel,Simdell,Slash and Burn,Social Media,Software,SQL Open Housing,SQL Reporting Services,SQL reporting services,SQL Server,Star rating,Stores and Stock,Strategic Asset Management,Sunguard ,Surveys,Sx3,System alignment, TonySmithHousing, Systemwise,SM,Sequoa,Serros,SP,Scout,score,Swordfish,Serengeti,SOTI,southview,Sunguard,Service Charges,Spotlight Service, Spotlightservice, SunAccounts Template,Task,Terminal Services, tonys , tonysm , tonysmi , tonysmith, tonysmitht, gotonysmith, tableau Business Dashboards, tonysmithth, tonysmiththa, tonysmiththat, tonysmiththath, tonysmiththatho, tonysmiththathou, tonysmiththathous, tonysmiththathousi, tonysmiththathousin, tonysmiththathousing, tonysmiththathousingg, tonysmiththathousinguy, sharepoint, share point Three Star,Today,Total repairs,Tribal,Twitter,U2, tonysmith , tonysmiththat , thathousing , thathousingIT , thathousingITguy ,TED,Tagish Casework,TP Tracker,Telecetera,Tagra,Trace, Totalmobile, Total Mobile, UniClass Enterprise,Unidata,Universal Housing,Universalcredit, universal credit, universal credits,UC,Universe,Unrest, UK, United Kingdom ,Ukhousing,UK Housing, Van Stock,Voice and data,Vantage Sentinel,Version One,Visualmetrics,Voluntas, Wales,Welsh,Windows Server,Workflow and tasking,Wheatley, Xmbrace,XML ,XenApp,Xen App .

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Fireside Favourites

If you do the Twitter thing, follow me at @hotpixUK
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OJEU Procurement is a lengthy process, even if using the Crown Commercial Service. I have spent years both sides of the procurement fence and I know that the process is about fairness and access to all properly qualified suppliers, whatever their size. Sometimes from a supplier viewpoint, it can seem like the process is stacked against the supplier, with people leading procurements having their own favourites. Inexperienced ones or ones that are incapable of matching products to client needs are unlikely to come out as preferred bidder. I learnt that quite soon after getting started with tender completion, about nine years ago.

Recently I have led day long sessions on understanding the whole procurement process for procurers and suppliers. The latter need to put themselves in the client shoes, every time and appear hungry, at every pitch.

In the many procurements I have helped clients with, I could only rarely guess who the preferred bidder would be. It's all in the scoring and particularly for me, I don't actually score at all. If asked to, I will, but only so a reality check could be visibly made. My opinion on the PQQ, ITT, demo or references don't count for anything.

I have my independence, but where consultants have a link to suppliers or groups, there is always doubt how well 'Chinese Walls' and other safeguards really work in practice. In one instance I have seen, a software house was effectively pretty much put at a disadvantage, every time their in-house consultancy got involved. Crazy!

So it always makes me smile when talking to clients, prospects or suppliers, and they say that 'such and such' are biased towards supplier x or y. Supplier x or y are probably winning because they are meeting functional requirements to needs or getting the price competitive. It betrays some ignorance or inexperience in the supplier, they would be better concentrating on improving their offerings.

Consultants in the pockets of suppliers are easily spotted and best avoided. Beware anyone pushing particular suppliers or products, before anyone has talked about needs, outcomes and the core business aims, should be given a wide birth.

Having completed well over a dozen large scale housing implementations in the past 20 years or so, I often get asked to help project manage some, (occasionally all) of the resulting project. In terms of procuring a solution, I like to make sure that the client has all the information in front of them before they make a logical, rather than an emotional choice. Emotions are harder to document into a clear audit trail. If I ever thought the process had resulted in a project that was undeliverable, I would clearly say so. After all, the danger is that I might be asked to implement some rubbish selected for the wrong reasons.

So, far better to prove conclusively that a bidder and their proposal is right for the client for everyone.  So just smarten up your products, service, timescales and your five year total cost of ownership, there's (probably) not a vendetta against you.

Related Post: Do you feel in your organisation, that your social housing systems are woefully under-implemented?


I would be pleased to connect with you on LinkedIn - Message me with any issues or queries, you would like to be explored in this blog. We generally receive a couple of suggestions each month.

Fad Gadget - Fireside FavouritesFad Gadget - Fireside Favourites.
(c) Tony Smith, Acutance Consulting 07854-655009

Access a quick list of our Social Housing ICT blog posts here
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File Under: 360,1stTouch,4Js. , 07854655009 , ," """" ",,#UKHousing,#HousingDAY, #HomesForBritain, #Shout,1st Touch,3squared,Accuserv,Acutence,Aareon,Academy,ActiveH,Alignment,ALMO,Anite,Apex,ArchHouse,Archouse,asbestos,Asprey e-state pro,Asset Management,Aurora,Average IT Costs,App,Associates,ACL,Abritas,AMS,AX,aspireview, BO,BPR,Browser Applications,Business Objects,Business Planning, Business Process Review,Business social networking, Blockwise, Block wise,BI,BancTec,BluTek,Bluebox, Castle,CBL,Cedar Open Accounts,Cx,Change,Cheaper Housing IT,Chics, CHR,Citrix,Civica,Clearview,CMS , CCS IT Keystone CCSIT, Contractor Systems,CORE,CorVu,Cost Reductions,Covalent,CRM,Crystal Reports,CTI,CTX,Customer Relationship Management,Cashflow, COA,Coactiva,Codeman,Comino,Competitive Dialogue process,complex IT procurements,Component Accounting, Community Reward Services, Consilium, Consolidation, Consultancy,Consultant,Contact Manager,Context,CIH,Chartered Institute Of Housing,Cadcorp,Cerrus Saturn,convergeOne,CACI,CPL, CRS Director, Deeplake,Development Systems,Accuserve,Document Management,Documotive,datasystems , Microsoft dynamics GP 2013, DynamicAI, Dynamic AI, ECMK,EDRMS,England, English,EnterpriseBI,ERP Systems,ERP,Elmhurst,Estatecraft,EDM,ESRI,Exponential-e, Finance, Financial Systems, Financials, Factorwise,Facebook ,Fusion, Getting best from,gotonysmith, Grasp,Grip,GeoSolveIT,GIS,GGP, HouSys,Housing software,HG,Housemark survey,Housing Blueprint,Housemark, HRA, Housing Options, Housing Group,hotpixuk, HousingIT,hotpix,Hardware,Hitex,Housing Contact Company, Impact Response,implementations,In House,In4,InMotion, InMotion2014, InMotion2015, InMotion2016 , Exhibition, conference, Infoflow,Information Technology,Informix,inHouse,in-house workforce, Innovation,Inside Housing,Internet Portal,Internetalia, Invu,Ireland,Irish,Inphase , IT Budget,IT Training,iWorld, Innovation Group Apex,ITIL, In4Systems Promaster,IT,Insight, Keylogic,Keystone,Kirona,Kypera,Keyfax, Ledgers,Linkedin,Locality,Liquid Voice, MD ,Mr Void , MrVoid, Measuring Change,Mebus,Miracle,MISCS, mobile functionality,Monopoly board images and pictures, Montal,MS Dynamics,MS Dynamics CRM2011,Miracle Software,Management Reporting,MI,M3,MIS,MIS-AMS,Mobysoft, Northgate Codeman,Neighbourhoods and Communities, Northgate,Notice,NROSH,NINTEX , NINTEX workflow,Nintexworkflow, OA,OGC Buying Solutions,Ohms,OJEU Limits,OmFax,Omniledger,Open source software,open tender,OpenHousing,Opti-Time,Oracle,Orchard,Outsource and outsourcing,OpenContractor,ORS,OneServe, PIMMS Data Systems, Paloma,performance management systems,PfH, Pick,PIMMS,pimms4communities, Planned maintenance,People Value,Plus, Peoplevalue, PM,Progress,Promaster,Proval,Pyramid,PRINCE2,prince,Pamwin,PlanForm, Propoints, Pro-Points QL,QLX,Quiss,Qlikview, Registered Providers,Registered Social Landlord,Rent Increase Freezes,Repairfinder,Reporting,Reports,ROCC , Rocket,RPs,RSL,Reality,ReAct,reidmark,RM865, Saffron,SAP,Scots, Scottish,Scenario, Scotland,SDM,sector,TonySmithHou,Server Virtualisation,servicing, Servitor,Sharepoint,Simdel,Simdell,Slash and Burn,Social Media,Software,SQL Open Housing,SQL Reporting Services,SQL reporting services,SQL Server,Star rating,Stores and Stock,Strategic Asset Management,Sunguard ,Surveys,Sx3,System alignment, TonySmithHousing, Systemwise,SM,Sequoa,Serros,SP,Scout,score,Swordfish,Serengeti,SOTI,southview,Sunguard,Service Charges,Spotlight Service, Spotlightservice, SunAccounts Template,Task,Terminal Services, tonys , tonysm , tonysmi , tonysmith, tonysmitht, gotonysmith, tableau Business Dashboards, tonysmithth, tonysmiththa, tonysmiththat, tonysmiththath, tonysmiththatho, tonysmiththathou, tonysmiththathous, tonysmiththathousi, tonysmiththathousin, tonysmiththathousing, tonysmiththathousingg, tonysmiththathousinguy, sharepoint, share point Three Star,Today,Total repairs,Tribal,Twitter,U2, tonysmith , tonysmiththat , thathousing , thathousingIT , thathousingITguy ,TED,Tagish Casework,TP Tracker,Telecetera,Tagra,Trace, Totalmobile, Total Mobile, UniClass Enterprise,Unidata,Universal Housing,Universalcredit, universal credit, universal credits,UC,Universe,Unrest, UK, United Kingdom ,Ukhousing,UK Housing, Van Stock,Voice and data,Vantage Sentinel,Version One,Visualmetrics,Voluntas, Wales,Welsh,Windows Server,Workflow and tasking,Wheatley, Xmbrace,XML ,XenApp,Xen App .

Friday, 14 August 2015

Automatic Lover

If you do the Twitter thing, follow me at @hotpixUK
or LinkedIn here

I was reading an article on LinkedIn a few weeks ago, about why in cars where we can drive ones with an automatic gearbox, most of us in the UK and wider Europe choose a manual 'stick shift'.

It was quite interesting as I have always driven a manual, probably thinking too that a 'special' licence for 'Automatics' devalues it somewhat. Stereotypically I imagine the whole of the USA driving automatic automobiles and it being very difficult there to even buy or hire a 'stick-shift'.

I won't be so rude here to share my 'American Tourist Stick-Shift' joke, but ask me when you see me next out and about, and I might! I don't want to offend any of my many North American readers.

So, with the convenience and better fuel economy these days of automatics, why on earth do we not all switch over to them? Well, its probably the same answer to the question, "If we have proper dynamic scheduling for repairs, why do we lock so many jobs down manually?". Well, probably because people like their control don't they?

It's a bit hard-wired into us. I know some people who have their CD's, LP's, books (fiction and non-fiction separated naturally...) and tinned food, sorted into alphabetical order on shelves and cupboards. We like our control and carry on our habits, when in the car or out of it. We find it hard to let go.

I am not doing an ad for any particular dynamic scheduling solution, but I know many RSL DLOS and independent contractors with them. This problem of not letting the algorithm do its stuff is extremely common. Locking down jobs by timeslot AND resource is often the main issue with users of Dynamic Scheduling. It inherently disables the whole dynamic, automated element of these applications. Much like automatic gearboxes could perhaps give us slightly better fuel economy, albeit at a more boring and sedate speed.

Maybe we should be trusting some of our systems more, as under the bonnet they will have been programmed to do the best job, won't they? Dynamic scheduling is often cited to me as one application where directors ask me, "Why have we got more planners now than we started with"? Well, perhaps because we are still working a bit like it's got a 'stick-shift'. Let operatives finish their jobs, don't lock to resources and let the application do its magic. Planners should then just deal with the exceptions. You know what, we will perhaps need less planners then.

Management have a role to play here too. If managers don't check how many appointments are locked each month and why, it is hard to change the service and how it is delivered. While follow-on jobs with the same operative means they take responsibility for the whole job, hopefully technology should enable any operative to do that second part. It's a change of culture, but one that can be only enforced by managers, as well as technology.

Related Post: The DLO Internal Workforce is on its way back. Are you rolling with the changes?


I would be pleased to connect with you on LinkedIn - Message me with any issues or queries, you would like to be explored in this blog. We generally receive a couple of suggestions each month.

The Vibrators - Automatic LoverThe Vibrators - Automatic Lover.
(c) Tony Smith, Acutance Consulting 07854-655009

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Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Perverted By Language

If you do the Twitter thing, follow me at @hotpixUK
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Is it just me or are we getting bogged down in #UKhousing these days with what Eric Blair described in his novel, Nineteen Eighty Four as 'DoubleSpeak'?

If you work in the sector you hopefully understand what has really been happening this last 20 years. Meanwhile in the outside world, the person on the street is not aware of what we do, why we do it, how it is funded, why we build what we do and how its controlled by Westminster, devolved or local government.

Words like 'Affordable' as in 'Affordable Rent' are bandied about. Not unsurprisingly, Joe & Julie Public think that one of these must be pretty, well 'affordable'.  Clearly, this DoubleSpeak for 80% of a local PRS rent is not very, for a key worker, such as a nurse, teacher or a worker in the police service.

'Help To Buy as IFL' is another. Generally inflated priced homes for sale, the a zero or low interest component. Why do we need to be conned in this way? It insults the intelligence.

The closest to a really affordable rent is actually an assured or similar social rent from a registered Provider, RSL or other housing organisation.  Joe & Julie identify with these as being from 'Council Housing', which pretty much outside London, is mostly not Council Housing any more.

Chuck into this a lot of spurious stats about out of control housing and other benefits, families living in 6 bedroom houses with a horse and lots of recent TV shows, picking lots of selective examples from around the UK of our 'typical tenants', and you can see where the confusion originates.

Our elected leaders now would like to rack up rents high enough to force housing association renters into RTB 2.0 owners, reducing the number of these assets available to house those key workers and others on low incomes. It's easy to assume that our social housing is being seen as nests for non-Tory voters and the master plan is to convert our tenants as soon as practical. the possible flaw in this proposal is that I would guess most of our tenants are in the body of citizens, not actually turning out to vote. Also, I cannot see SNP voters turning Tory blue anytime soon, as given time and half the chance, the sensible Scottish Parliament will be pulling the plug on RTB as soon as practical.

Meanwhile, while benefits may be a 'leg up' or 'encouragement' from a Tory viewpoint, its 'rampant failed soviet style socialism' from an opposition one. Semantics and that perversion of language once again. Now I would like to see a credible opposition, as it moderates policies, making them ultimately workable. So, rather than abstentions to votes, I want to see amendments and more oppositions please, from our elected MPs. Also, stop voting as whipped, represent your constituents', that's what we elected you for .

Also, where are the housing good news stories when you need them? Its lucky we seem to have an army of communication team staff on our payrolls. I believe it's time to send them all over the trenches and start a long delayed truth offensive, to get the message out. We are doing a good job here, the facts need to get out, not in DoubleSpeak, but using plain English. If each medium-large RSL produced one good news story every fortnight, we would have excess of 5,000 annually. Now that would be a real backlash, a tsunami of articles for TV, newspapers, twitter etc.

If our comm's staff are not able to help us turn that tide, possibly we need different ones, or a few less. Any other sector, like supermarkets, oil companies and others already have the ear of government and would be fighting their corners, much better than social housing is managing. Its maybe a time to take a leaf out of their books.   

Related Post: Are you really fighting for your right to true affordable housing?


I would be pleased to connect with you on LinkedIn - Message me with any issues or queries, you would like to be explored in this blog. We generally receive a couple of suggestions each month.

The Fall - Perverted By LanguageThe Fall - Perverted By Language.
(c) Tony Smith, Acutance Consulting 07854-655009

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Saturday, 8 August 2015

Give Youth A Chance

If you do the Twitter thing, follow me at @hotpixUK
or LinkedIn here
In the last few weeks I have been at many organisations thrown into disarray, and a little despair at the recent 'emergency budget' from our democratically elected leaders. we have indeed got what we voted for. Let's not make any bones about it, that was most people in the UK voting for more austerity and for a good chunk of it to be inflicted, mostly on the poorer in our society.

The 1% rent cut and HB caps are causing most consternation, and for me leading to less work and more work in equal measure. For each organisation shelving a procurement I have an another looking to accelerate one to meet the new world we are in.

My views are well documented and I proposed about 2 years ago that we had to wake up as a sector to demonstrate our worth, spreading the message what good eggs we really are, and what we add to reducing costs of HB and making our communities better places for all to live in.

However, we are where we are and systems are my weapon to squeeze every last drop of efficiency from what we do and help us avoid the effect of the latest 'challenges'.

One area that many RSL's have not particularly twigged on to yet, are those tenants that are under 25. New rules are designed to squeeze this demographic  in a very cruel way. I've got kids like most and goodness me, with an aging population, we need to be encouraging, not knocking down this demographic.

Where we have tenants in this demographic, we need to be providing extra care to ensure their tenancies are sustainable, and that they can thrive in terms of health, finance, job prospects etc.

To illustrate the problem, a person I enjoy working with, is squeezed in this kind of way. They went through a sticky patch in a rural village, with no practical access to transport or jobs, bringing up a young family. They now snag what they regard as the perfect position for them, a few years on they have improved their income and situation. Light at the end of the tunnel.

However, PayToStay, caps and the end of benefits for the under 25's all pull a rug from under my colleague and their family. Surely we need to be developing our youth. Although i was never a fan, in the 1980's under  Mrs Thatcher, I managed a few jobs, got a BSc for free (apart from the hard work of course, which I don't begrudge).  Dare I say it, I don't think she was as bad as some of the ideologically driven politicians of today.  The youth don't have the chances I had, and are set up to fail.

From a social housing viewpoint it's a disaster for our young people. It's also, a hidden disaster for many social landlords, if their information is not accurate. You know what? From the number of pieces of work I have done around data quality this last 6 months, I would not be so sure as a sector, we can 100% identify these tenants properly.

Our lack of accurate data is the sectors Achilles heal.

It always has been, but (if our directors have not twigged it so far....), now the danger is real. Poor data will lead to unsustainable tenancies. Those strands of diversity that were just a tick in a box, just got real. Let's get on top of accurate  Dates Of Births, household make-ups, vulnerability needs, current mobile telephone numbers, you know, all that stuff. It's not just for KPIs people, this info managed better in our systems, could underpin our very existence.

If I can help anyone moving, moved or struggling with mobile, please be in touch!

Related Post: Procurement rules have changed since Feb 2015, are you on to the new way to buy?


I would be pleased to connect with you on LinkedIn - Message me with any issues or queries, you would like to be explored in this blog. We generally receive a couple of suggestions each month.

The Ruts - Give Youth A ChanceThe Ruts - Give Youth A Chance.
(c) Tony Smith, Acutance Consulting 07854-655009

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Thursday, 6 August 2015

South View Side

If you do the Twitter thing, follow me at @hotpixUK
or LinkedIn here

It was announced to customers this week, after I had heard a few whispers on the housing IT jungle drums, that South View Solutions (SVS) has been bought out by Castleton Technologies. It will sit within the 365 Agile family of products, with the previous Documotive mobile and IoT outfit Wireless Things.

In doing so, that nets another few dozen customers into the group, including a good deal of Orchard ones. SVS was for a long time, possibly the default mobile offering for many Orchard Customers. As customers will perhaps be aware, Orchard are developing their own mobile solutions, which sound like they are coming on apace.

This now brings Castleton an estimated 80 housing customers and I am sure other serious players, such as Kirona & 1stTouch, are watching developments intently. It will be interesting if Castleton will merge mobile products and if SouthView housing clients will be offered sweet deals to upgrade in the short to medium future. Watch this space!

With Castleton currently short of a housing management system, for their expanding portfolio, with the acquisition of SVS, it would be strange if they had not looked into this option. With good integration already into its new acquired mobile, a large customer base, I would think that might be a very attractive option.

More on SVS joining Castleton on this link, comments from Alan Swift and Jonathan Hollyhead

If you have any juicy housing ICT gossip, on this or any other evolving stories, as usual please be in touch!

Related Post: Does God love a geek? Can we be too techie and the geekin us gets in the way?


I would be pleased to connect with you on LinkedIn - Message me with any issues or queries, you would like to be explored in this blog. We generally receive a couple of suggestions each month.

Moby - South SideMoby - South Side.
(c) Tony Smith, Acutance Consulting 07854-655009

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Saturday, 1 August 2015

All Sparks

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Anyone out there implemented any mobile working? I certainly have and it never amazes me how much a bit of a spotlight, mobile working throws on the wider processes.

Areas that always make me smile are those when plumbers and electricians point out that the new mobile system does not fit their needs. The stock question of course is "why is that, can you tell me?"

In real-life we do lots of things to enforce consistency or make life easy for ourselves and work is no different. I have come across trades people who hold completed job tickets back, to maintain an average of £650 in earnings each month and also others who start certificates on paper and plug them into the iPad, a week or two later when chased by the assets team.

What's to be done in these situations?

The accommodating IT thing to do is to have your mobile system changed, (at great expense), although quite obviously, this is not an IT problem. Our organisation would like each job to be completed sequentially, rather than customer services not knowing until next week. also, I guess the asset team would like up to date gas, EPC and electrical certificates as soon as practical.

Notwithstanding the chance of losing notes in your van, quite clearly, admittedly simplistic mobile, can help actually tighten up our processes, bringing discipline to a currently poorly managed process.  This needs some careful treatment, maybe enhanced training or a person-2-person chat. Here is again, a situation where IT is not the solution, it's a very human management one.    

The only good thing is that the excuse for management is that, "we are introducing a new mobile system and we need you to do the admin associated with your job properly". Well worth implementing mobile working then!     

If I can help anyone moving, moved or struggling with mobile, please be in touch!

Related Post: DLOs are they coming back for #UKHousing ?


I would be pleased to connect with you on LinkedIn - Message me with any issues or queries, you would like to be explored in this blog. We generally receive a couple of suggestions each month.

Editors - All SparksEditors - All Sparks.
(c) Tony Smith, Acutance Consulting 07854-655009

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File Under: 360,1stTouch,4Js. , 07854655009 , ," """" ",,#UKHousing,#HousingDAY, #HomesForBritain, #Shout,1st Touch,3squared,Accuserv,Acutence,Aareon,Academy,ActiveH,Alignment,ALMO,Anite,Apex,ArchHouse,Archouse,asbestos,Asprey e-state pro,Asset Management,Aurora,Average IT Costs,App,Associates,ACL,Abritas,AMS,AX,aspireview, BO,BPR,Browser Applications,Business Objects,Business Planning, Business Process Review,Business social networking, Blockwise, Block wise,BI,BancTec,BluTek,Bluebox, Castle,CBL,Cedar Open Accounts,Cx,Change,Cheaper Housing IT,Chics, CHR,Citrix,Civica,Clearview,CMS , CCS IT Keystone CCSIT, Contractor Systems,CORE,CorVu,Cost Reductions,Covalent,CRM,Crystal Reports,CTI,CTX,Customer Relationship Management,Cashflow, COA,Coactiva,Codeman,Comino,Competitive Dialogue process,complex IT procurements,Component Accounting, Community Reward Services, Consilium, Consolidation, Consultancy,Consultant,Contact Manager,Context,CIH,Chartered Institute Of Housing,Cadcorp,Cerrus Saturn,convergeOne,CACI,CPL, CRS Director, Deeplake,Development Systems,Accuserve,Document Management,Documotive,datasystems , Microsoft dynamics GP 2013, DynamicAI, Dynamic AI, ECMK,EDRMS,England, English,EnterpriseBI,ERP Systems,ERP,Elmhurst,Estatecraft,EDM,ESRI,Exponential-e, Finance, Financial Systems, Financials, Factorwise,Facebook ,Fusion, Getting best from,gotonysmith, Grasp,Grip,GeoSolveIT,GIS,GGP, HouSys,Housing software,HG,Housemark survey,Housing Blueprint,Housemark, HRA, Housing Options, Housing Group,hotpixuk, HousingIT,hotpix,Hardware,Hitex,Housing Contact Company, Impact Response,implementations,In House,In4,InMotion, InMotion2014, InMotion2015, InMotion2016 , Exhibition, conference, Infoflow,Information Technology,Informix,inHouse,in-house workforce, Innovation,Inside Housing,Internet Portal,Internetalia, Invu,Ireland,Irish,Inphase , IT Budget,IT Training,iWorld, Innovation Group Apex,ITIL, In4Systems Promaster,IT,Insight, Keylogic,Keystone,Kirona,Kypera,Keyfax, Ledgers,Linkedin,Locality,Liquid Voice, MD ,Mr Void , MrVoid, Measuring Change,Mebus,Miracle,MISCS, mobile functionality,Monopoly board images and pictures, Montal,MS Dynamics,MS Dynamics CRM2011,Miracle Software,Management Reporting,MI,M3,MIS,MIS-AMS,Mobysoft, Northgate Codeman,Neighbourhoods and Communities, Northgate,Notice,NROSH,NINTEX , NINTEX workflow,Nintexworkflow, OA,OGC Buying Solutions,Ohms,OJEU Limits,OmFax,Omniledger,Open source software,open tender,OpenHousing,Opti-Time,Oracle,Orchard,Outsource and outsourcing,OpenContractor,ORS,OneServe, PIMMS Data Systems, Paloma,performance management systems,PfH, Pick,PIMMS,pimms4communities, Planned maintenance,People Value,Plus, Peoplevalue, PM,Progress,Promaster,Proval,Pyramid,PRINCE2,prince,Pamwin,PlanForm, Propoints, Pro-Points QL,QLX,Quiss,Qlikview, Registered Providers,Registered Social Landlord,Rent Increase Freezes,Repairfinder,Reporting,Reports,ROCC , Rocket,RPs,RSL,Reality,ReAct,reidmark,RM865, Saffron,SAP,Scots, Scottish,Scenario, Scotland,SDM,sector,TonySmithHou,Server Virtualisation,servicing, Servitor,Sharepoint,Simdel,Simdell,Slash and Burn,Social Media,Software,SQL Open Housing,SQL Reporting Services,SQL reporting services,SQL Server,Star rating,Stores and Stock,Strategic Asset Management,Sunguard ,Surveys,Sx3,System alignment, TonySmithHousing, Systemwise,SM,Sequoa,Serros,SP,Scout,score,Swordfish,Serengeti,SOTI,southview,Sunguard,Service Charges,Spotlight Service, Spotlightservice, SunAccounts Template,Task,Terminal Services, tonys , tonysm , tonysmi , tonysmith, tonysmitht, gotonysmith, tableau Business Dashboards, tonysmithth, tonysmiththa, tonysmiththat, tonysmiththath, tonysmiththatho, tonysmiththathou, tonysmiththathous, tonysmiththathousi, tonysmiththathousin, tonysmiththathousing, tonysmiththathousingg, tonysmiththathousinguy, sharepoint, share point Three Star,Today,Total repairs,Tribal,Twitter,U2, tonysmith , tonysmiththat , thathousing , thathousingIT , thathousingITguy ,TED,Tagish Casework,TP Tracker,Telecetera,Tagra,Trace, Totalmobile, Total Mobile, UniClass Enterprise,Unidata,Universal Housing,Universalcredit, universal credit, universal credits,UC,Universe,Unrest, UK, United Kingdom ,Ukhousing,UK Housing, Van Stock,Voice and data,Vantage Sentinel,Version One,Visualmetrics,Voluntas, Wales,Welsh,Windows Server,Workflow and tasking,Wheatley, Xmbrace,XML ,XenApp,Xen App .