Saturday, 28 June 2014

Come Together

If you do the Twitter thing, follow me at @hotpixUK
or LinkedIn here

Looking back 10-15 years there seemed to be many more RSLs out there. Much of their stock is still out there, but now they are most likely to be part of a larger group. Some might still retain their individual character and personality, but many are just now branded as their parent group name.

All of those smaller entities will have used their own housing management system and chances are, in a group structure, (many that I know anyway), 3 or 4 different systems, plus 20+ other applications are in use. Even just two RSL's under one groups' roof can mean perhaps an eye-watering annual maintenance bill for IT support and doubled up hardware or hosting.

Apart from obvious savings from merging to a single ERP or HMS, if done well, this can be an excellent project to provide 360 degree CRM, 'One version of the truth' reporting, integrated mobile and common, streamlined processes. The latter, a real requirement for great KPIs that can be measured across all group areas. Summed up in that short paragraph, you might ask, "Well how hard can that be?".

A vision need to be presented to captivate and motivate managers sometimes to see what the journey might be like and the benefits for each strand along the way. It's common for peoples' day job and current issues to anchor them in current problems. This being a barrier to going forward. "Well we get by now don't we, with our IT", is a phrase I had £50 for over the years, I hear it so frequently. Aligning IT with the corporate and board objectives, via a robust gap analysis, is a great way to make people realise how bad their current ICT is. A big migration/consolidation project is an expensive undertaking, but one that will underpin those 5 year objectives and the 10 years beyond that.  

That was the theme of a chat I had with someone at the Manchester CIH Conference this week. We all knew of groups where processes had been really researched and nailed down, such that new joiners could be assimilated very quickly. Also, one where I have done a lot of work, where newbie's almost can pick from a menu, which elements of the head office support & IT structure they will take on signing up. That's all well and good where really good process mapping has taken place. An exercise that can often be accelerated by using an external resource, with good housing and specific system skills.

In some cases 'change' can be very scary for staff. Even after choosing systems, it can be difficult to escape that silo mentality. You know, that 'I prefer my spreadsheet here...' approach. Middle manager & director jobs might be at stake. I have seen managers try to stamp their mark over processes and systems, just to stay in the mix. This might be regardless of if the systems in place could be easily configured to do it better. Outside help here can bring some realism too, issues around this are often not revealed until after go live, when the supplier is asked, "Why are we still doing it this way then?".

Everywhere I go, I am creating change and I realise that at all times, its useful to keep everyone's eye on the big picture, to keep them signed up. One example is CRM. A bit feared if departments are not now going to deal with specialist calls anymore. A: You will deal with the specialist issues, but not all those little chasing calls that really should be answerable by looking in our system. Now isn't that better? The customer support team can be provided with all the intelligent script support they need, so in 85%+ of cases, they solve the tenant/customer issue first time.

Quality of data is another gotcha. I have worked with many organisations where they swore that individual system data could not be merged consistently and accurately. Cross-referencing of data is always a job to do, when moving to a single system, but so is data cleansing. Without this essential element, or help in this area, your new integrated systems will not get the clean fresh start they deserve. Of course, this will help make your data consistent when you come together on one system. In the end everyone will wonder what all the fuss was about....

Read on to: Are your systems really so agile?

You can link with me on LinkedIn here - It would be great to connect !

Primal Scream - Come Together.
(c) Tony Smith, Acutance Consulting 07854-655009

PS As usual, if there are subjects you might like me to tackle on this blog, please get in touch and let me know!

File Under: 360,1stTouch,4Js. 07854-655009 , 07854655009 , 07854 655009 ," ""07854 655009"" ",07854-655009,#UKHousing,1st Touch,3squared, Acutence,Aareon,Academy,ActiveH,Alignment,ALMO,Anite,Apex,ArchHouse,Archouse,asbestos,Asprey e-state pro,Asset Management,Aurora,Average IT Costs,App,Associates,ACL,Abritas,AMS,AX,aspireview, BO,BPR,Browser Applications,Business Objects,Business Process Review,Business social networking, Blockwise, Block wise,BI,BancTec,BluTek,Bluebox, Castle,CBL,Cedar Open Accounts,Cx,Change,Cheaper Housing IT,Chics, CHR,Citrix,Civica,Clearview,CMS , CCS IT Keystone CCSIT, Contractor Systems,CORE,CorVu,Cost Reductions,Covalent,CRM,Crystal Reports,CTI,CTX,Customer Relationship Management,Cashflow, COA,Coactiva,Codeman,Comino,Competitive Dialogue process,complex IT procurements,Component Accounting,Consilium,Consolidation,Consultancy,Consultant,Contact Manager,Context,CIH,Chartered Institute Of Housing,Cadcorp,Cerrus Saturn,convergeOne,CACI,CPL Director, Deeplake,Development Systems,Document Management,Documotive,datasystems , Microsoft dynamics GP 2013 ECMK,EDRMS,England, English,EnterpriseBI,ERP Systems,ERP,Elmhurst,Estatecraft,EDM,ESRI,Exponential-e, Finance,Financial Systems,Financials, Factorwise,Facebook ,Fusion, Getting best from,gotonysmith, Grasp,Grip,GeoSolveIT,GIS,GGP, HouSys,Housing software,HG,Housemark survey,Housing Blueprint,Housing Group,hotpixuk, HousingIT,hotpix,Hardware,Hitex,Housing Contact Company, Impact Response,implementations,In House,In4,InMotion, InMotion2014, InMotion2015, InMotion2016 , Exhibition, conference, Infoflow,Information Technology,Informix,inHouse,in-house workforce, Innovation,Inside Housing,Internet Portal,Invu,Ireland,Irish,IT Budget,IT Training,iWorld, Innovation Group Apex,ITIL, In4Systems Promaster,IT,Insight, Keylogic,Keystone,Kirona,Kypera,Keyfax, Ledgers,Linkedin,Locality,Liquid Voice, MD ,Mr Void , MrVoid, Measuring Change,Mebus,Miracle,MISCS, mobile functionality,Monopoly board images and pictures, Montal,MS Dynamics,MS Dynamics CRM2011,Miracle Software,Management Reporting,MI,M3,MIS,MIS-AMS,Mobysoft, Northgate Codeman,Neighbourhoods and Communities, Northgate,Notice,NROSH,NINTEX , NINTEX workflow,Nintexworkflow, OA,OGC Buying Solutions,Ohms,OJEU Limits,OmFax,Omniledger,Open source software,open tender,OpenHousing,Opti-Time,Oracle,Orchard,Outsource and outsourcing,OpenContractor,ORS,OneServe, PIMMS Data Systems, Paloma,performance management systems,PfH,Pick,PIMMS,pimms4communities,Planned maintenance,People Value,Plus,Peoplevalue,PM,Progress,Promaster,Proval,Pyramid,PRINCE2,prince,Pamwin, QL,QLX,Quiss,Qlikview, Registered Providers,Registered Social Landlord,Rent Increase Freezes,Repairfinder,Reporting,Reports,ROCC , Rocket,RPs,RSL,Reality,ReAct,reidmark,RM865, Saffron,SAP,Scots, Scottish,Scotland,SDM,sector,Server Virtualisation,servicing, Servitor,Sharepoint,Simdel,Simdell,Slash and Burn,Social Media,Software,SQL Open Housing,SQL Reporting Services,SQL reporting services,SQL Server,Star rating,Stores and Stock,Strategic Asset Management,Sunguard ,Surveys,Sx3,System alignment, Systemwise,SM,Sequoa,Serros,SP,Scout,score,Swordfish,Serengeti,SOTI,south view,Sunguard,Service Charges, Template,Task,Terminal Services, tonys , tonysm , tonysmi , tonysmith, tonysmithth, tonysmiththa, tonysmiththat, tonysmiththath, tonysmiththatho, tonysmiththathou, tonysmiththathous, tonysmiththathousi, tonysmiththathousin, tonysmiththathousing, tonysmiththathousingg, tonysmiththathousinguy, sharepoint, share point Three Star,Today,Total repairs,Tribal,Twitter,U2, tonysmith , tonysmiththat , thathousing , thathousingIT , thathousingITguy ,TED,Tagish Casework,TP Tracker,Telecetera,Tagra,Trace, UniClass Enterprise,Unidata,Universal Housing,Universalcredit, universal credit, universal credits,UC,Universe,Unrest, UK, United Kingdom ,Ukhousing,UK Housing, Van Stock,Voice and data,Vantage Sentinel,Version One,Visualmetrics,Voluntas, Wales,Welsh,Windows Server,Workflow and tasking,Wheatley, Xmbrace,XML ,XenApp,Xen App

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Bought & Sold

If you do the Twitter thing, follow me at @hotpixUK
or LinkedIn here

A piece of social housing ICT infrastructure news this week, you might have missed. Montal, Microsoft Gold Certified partner, who supply much of the social housing sector with cloud, hardware and other support services, were acquired by Castleton Technology PLC, for £3.84M on the 24th June 2014. You can read the full stock exchange text here -

The press release states " Castleton is an AIM quoted public company focused on investing in the technology sector. Montal is the first acquisition of its strategy to build a managed services business focussed on the housing and public sectors. The transaction was arranged by our shareholders MXC Capital, who are also significant shareholders of Castleton. Ian Smith, managing partner of MXC Capital is the CEO of Castleton".

It will be very interesting how the experience of customers in the social housing sector goes, with these changes. Also, with a focus on managed services, where that that leaves Montals' IT Consulting team, is unclear.

Read on to a few more sales in the last few months: Keystone , Promaster, Northgate up for sale
You can link with me on LinkedIn here - It would be great to connect !

Rory Gallaher - Bought & Sold.
(c) Tony Smith, Acutance Consulting 07854-655009

PS As usual, if there are subjects you might like me to tackle on this blog, please get in touch and let me know!

File Under: 360,1stTouch,4Js. 07854-655009 , 07854655009 , 07854 655009 ," ""07854 655009"" ",07854-655009,#UKHousing,1st Touch,3squared, Acutence,Aareon,Academy,ActiveH,Alignment,ALMO,Anite,Apex,ArchHouse,Archouse,asbestos,Asprey e-state pro,Asset Management,Aurora,Average IT Costs,App,Associates,ACL,Abritas,AMS,AX,aspireview, BO,BPR,Browser Applications,Business Objects,Business Process Review,Business social networking, Blockwise, Block wise,BI,BancTec,BluTek,Bluebox, Castle,CBL,Cedar Open Accounts,Cx,Change,Cheaper Housing IT,Chics, CHR,Citrix,Civica,Clearview,CMS , CCS IT Keystone CCSIT, Contractor Systems,CORE,CorVu,Cost Reductions,Covalent,CRM,Crystal Reports,CTI,CTX,Customer Relationship Management,Cashflow, COA,Coactiva,Codeman,Comino,Competitive Dialogue process,complex IT procurements,Component Accounting,Consilium,Consolidation,Consultancy,Consultant,Contact Manager,Context,CIH,Chartered Institute Of Housing,Cadcorp,Cerrus Saturn,convergeOne,CACI,CPL Director, Deeplake,Development Systems,Document Management,Documotive,datasystems , Microsoft dynamics GP 2013 ECMK,EDRMS,England, English,EnterpriseBI,ERP Systems,ERP,Elmhurst,Estatecraft,EDM,ESRI,Exponential-e, Finance,Financial Systems,Financials, Factorwise,Facebook ,Fusion, Getting best from,gotonysmith, Grasp,Grip,GeoSolveIT,GIS,GGP, HouSys,Housing software,HG,Housemark survey,Housing Blueprint,Housing Group,hotpixuk, HousingIT,hotpix,Hardware,Hitex,Housing Contact Company, Impact Response,implementations,In House,In4,InMotion, InMotion2014, InMotion2015, InMotion2016 , Exhibition, conference, Infoflow,Information Technology,Informix,inHouse,in-house workforce, Innovation,Inside Housing,Internet Portal,Invu,Ireland,Irish,IT Budget,IT Training,iWorld, Innovation Group Apex,ITIL, In4Systems Promaster,IT,Insight, Keylogic,Keystone,Kirona,Kypera,Keyfax, Ledgers,Linkedin,Locality,Liquid Voice, MD ,Mr Void , MrVoid, Measuring Change,Mebus,Miracle,MISCS, mobile functionality,Monopoly board images and pictures, Montal,MS Dynamics,MS Dynamics CRM2011,Miracle Software,Management Reporting,MI,M3,MIS,MIS-AMS,Mobysoft, Northgate Codeman,Neighbourhoods and Communities, Northgate,Notice,NROSH,NINTEX , NINTEX workflow,Nintexworkflow, OA,OGC Buying Solutions,Ohms,OJEU Limits,OmFax,Omniledger,Open source software,open tender,OpenHousing,Opti-Time,Oracle,Orchard,Outsource and outsourcing,OpenContractor,ORS,OneServe, PIMMS Data Systems, Paloma,performance management systems,PfH,Pick,PIMMS,pimms4communities,Planned maintenance,People Value,Plus,Peoplevalue,PM,Progress,Promaster,Proval,Pyramid,PRINCE2,prince,Pamwin, QL,QLX,Quiss,Qlikview, Registered Providers,Registered Social Landlord,Rent Increase Freezes,Repairfinder,Reporting,Reports,ROCC , Rocket,RPs,RSL,Reality,ReAct,reidmark,RM865, Saffron,SAP,Scots, Scottish,Scotland,SDM,sector,Server Virtualisation,servicing, Servitor,Sharepoint,Simdel,Simdell,Slash and Burn,Social Media,Software,SQL Open Housing,SQL Reporting Services,SQL reporting services,SQL Server,Star rating,Stores and Stock,Strategic Asset Management,Sunguard ,Surveys,Sx3,System alignment, Systemwise,SM,Sequoa,Serros,SP,Scout,score,Swordfish,Serengeti,SOTI,south view,Sunguard,Service Charges, Template,Task,Terminal Services, tonys , tonysm , tonysmi , tonysmith, tonysmithth, tonysmiththa, tonysmiththat, tonysmiththath, tonysmiththatho, tonysmiththathou, tonysmiththathous, tonysmiththathousi, tonysmiththathousin, tonysmiththathousing, tonysmiththathousingg, tonysmiththathousinguy, sharepoint, share point Three Star,Today,Total repairs,Tribal,Twitter,U2, tonysmith , tonysmiththat , thathousing , thathousingIT , thathousingITguy ,TED,Tagish Casework,TP Tracker,Telecetera,Tagra,Trace, UniClass Enterprise,Unidata,Universal Housing,Universalcredit, universal credit, universal credits,UC,Universe,Unrest, UK, United Kingdom ,Ukhousing,UK Housing, Van Stock,Voice and data,Vantage Sentinel,Version One,Visualmetrics,Voluntas, Wales,Welsh,Windows Server,Workflow and tasking,Wheatley, Xmbrace,XML ,XenApp,Xen App

Friday, 20 June 2014

Smells Like Team Spirit

If you do the Twitter thing, follow me at @hotpixUK
or LinkedIn here

We are always talking about teams and partnerships aren't we, but these can be  some of the hardest things in business to get right, particularly in business change and application software projects, even where a recognised methodology like PRINCE2 is being used

Why so hard then, to manage business change projects well?

Its probably a problem that IDS should be considering too, after many £m's wasted on the failed Universal Credit System. Sometimes people in projects use too much faith and not enough practical application, in managing the project, suppliers or the scope. Still, its not all bad news, England have lost their 2nd World Cup game but IDS has told BBC news, he believed England's campaign to win the world cup, is in budget,fit for purpose & on time.

Often one of the biggest problems is that sometimes people great at their day jobs, the so called Business As Usual, are deemed obviously great for new projects, such as implementations. Sometimes this works, but essentially different skills are required. Your IT bods are not the answer either.

Most projects implementing systems, EDM, repairs, mobile etc, are not IT projects, they are business change projects.

Experience of other projects is a great advantage, or getting help from an experienced external resource to add that vital ingredient. That can be the best way of jumping that hurdle sometimes.

Often everyone knows who should be on that project team to make it a success. Often those people however are two valuable to the business to release. Hence, some alternative, less able or valuable staff are found instead. Just to make it a bit more challenging, no backfilling of those staff roles is undertaken and they have to fit both in, the new implementation project and the day job.

I have seen just that on a number of occasions, when representing the role of supplier, and even flagged it up for them. Even though warnings were clearly explained all those projects did not go as well as they could. It was hard to get answers to questions, configuration right and testing sign offs that could be believed. On one occasion, due to the project being behind and more risk than I felt acceptable, I refused to go live on the target date.

Responsible suppliers should be able to have that conversation with you. Suppliers know that problems can be way worse for all if your project goes live and everyone has to mop it up later.

If you have plans to bring in, upgrade or manage a housing applications software project, Rod Laird is running a course in early July that might help you keep it on track and avoid some of the many pitfalls in this area. Check it out on this link for Manchester or London venues. It might be the most useful course you attend this year.

Read on to : Are your customer service desks like an Interzone? 

You can link with me on LinkedIn here - It would be great to connect !

Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit.
(c) Tony Smith, Acutance Consulting 07854-655009

PS As usual, if there are subjects you might like me to tackle on this blog, please get in touch and let me know!

File Under: 360,1stTouch,4Js. 07854-655009 , 07854655009 , 07854 655009 ," ""07854 655009"" ",07854-655009,#UKHousing,1st Touch,3squared, Acutence,Aareon,Academy,ActiveH,Alignment,ALMO,Anite,Apex,ArchHouse,Archouse,asbestos,Asprey e-state pro,Asset Management,Aurora,Average IT Costs,App,Associates,ACL,Abritas,AMS,AX,aspireview, BO,BPR,Browser Applications,Business Objects,Business Process Review,Business social networking, Blockwise, Block wise,BI,BancTec,BluTek,Bluebox, Castle,CBL,Cedar Open Accounts,Cx,Change,Cheaper Housing IT,Chics, CHR,Citrix,Civica,Clearview,CMS , CCS IT Keystone CCSIT, Contractor Systems,CORE,CorVu,Cost Reductions,Covalent,CRM,Crystal Reports,CTI,CTX,Customer Relationship Management,Cashflow, COA,Coactiva,Codeman,Comino,Competitive Dialogue process,complex IT procurements,Component Accounting,Consilium,Consolidation,Consultancy,Consultant,Contact Manager,Context,CIH,Chartered Institute Of Housing,Cadcorp,Cerrus Saturn,convergeOne,CACI,CPL Director, Deeplake,Development Systems,Document Management,Documotive,datasystems , Microsoft dynamics GP 2013 ECMK,EDRMS,England, English,EnterpriseBI,ERP Systems,ERP,Elmhurst,Estatecraft,EDM,ESRI,Exponential-e, Finance,Financial Systems,Financials, Factorwise,Facebook ,Fusion, Housing Consultancy , Getting best from,gotonysmith, Grasp,Grip,GeoSolveIT,GIS,GGP, HouSys,Housing software,HG,Housemark survey,Housing Blueprint,Housing Group,hotpixuk, HousingIT,hotpix,Hardware,Hitex,Housing Contact Company, Impact Response,implementations,In House,In4,InMotion, InMotion2014, InMotion2015, InMotion2016 , Exhibition, conference, Infoflow,Information Technology,Informix,inHouse,in-house workforce, Innovation,Inside Housing,Internet Portal,Invu,Ireland,Irish,IT Budget,IT Training,iWorld, Innovation Group Apex,ITIL, In4Systems Promaster,IT,Insight, Keylogic,Keystone,Kirona,Kypera,Keyfax, Ledgers,Linkedin,Locality,Liquid Voice, MD ,Mr Void , MrVoid, Measuring Change,Mebus,Miracle,MISCS, mobile functionality,Monopoly board images and pictures, Montal,MS Dynamics,MS Dynamics CRM2011,Miracle Software,Management Reporting,MI,M3,MIS,MIS-AMS,Mobysoft, HousingConsultancy , Northgate Codeman,Neighbourhoods and Communities, Northgate,Notice,NROSH,NINTEX , NINTEX workflow,Nintexworkflow, OA,OGC Buying Solutions,Ohms,OJEU Limits,OmFax,Omniledger,Open source software,open tender,OpenHousing,Opti-Time,Oracle,Orchard,Outsource and outsourcing,OpenContractor,ORS,OneServe, PIMMS Data Systems, Paloma,performance management systems,PfH,Pick,PIMMS,pimms4communities,Planned maintenance,People Value,Plus,Peoplevalue,PM,Progress,Promaster,Proval,Pyramid,PRINCE2,prince,Pamwin, QL,QLX,Quiss,Qlikview, Social Housing Consultancy, Registered Providers,Registered Social Landlord,Rent Increase Freezes,Repairfinder,Reporting,Reports,ROCC , Rocket,RPs,RSL,Reality,ReAct,reidmark,RM865, Saffron,SAP,Scots, Scottish,Scotland,SDM,sector,Server Virtualisation,servicing, Servitor,Sharepoint,Simdel,Simdell,Slash and Burn,Social Media,Software,SQL Open Housing,SQL Reporting Services,SQL reporting services,SQL Server,Star rating,Stores and Stock,Strategic Asset Management,Sunguard ,Surveys,Sx3,System alignment, Systemwise,SM,Sequoa,Serros,SP,Scout,score,Swordfish,Serengeti,SOTI,south view,Sunguard,Service Charges, Template,Task,Terminal Services, tonys , tonysm , tonysmi , tonysmith, tonysmithth, tonysmiththa, tonysmiththat, tonysmiththath, tonysmiththatho, tonysmiththathou, tonysmiththathous, tonysmiththathousi, tonysmiththathousin, tonysmiththathousing, tonysmiththathousingg, tonysmiththathousinguy, sharepoint, share point Three Star,Today,Total repairs,Tribal,Twitter,U2, tonysmith , tonysmiththat , thathousing , thathousingIT , thathousingITguy ,TED,Tagish Casework,TP Tracker,Telecetera,Tagra,Trace, UniClass Enterprise,Unidata,Universal Housing,Universalcredit, universal credit, universal credits,UC,Universe,Unrest, UK, United Kingdom ,Ukhousing,UK Housing, Van Stock,Voice and data,Vantage Sentinel,Version One,Visualmetrics,Voluntas, Wales,Welsh,Windows Server,Workflow and tasking,Wheatley, Xmbrace,XML ,XenApp,Xen App

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Test The Theory

If you do the Twitter thing, follow me at @hotpixUK
or LinkedIn here

I was doing some work this week coming up with a pretty detailed upgrade testing plan for one of the housing associations I work with. It occurred to me that it's even harder to build the initial UAT when taking software for the first time. That process can be even harder if some ground work has not been done up front on the business case and PID (Process Initiation Document).

Early in July I am doing a set course for Rod Laird designed to help people understand how to choose the right application software, avoid some of the real 'gotchas' and generally remove a lot of the stress and uncertainty of the whole process. It's something that I think might help reduce the amount of investment wasted on the wrong software/failed implementations, also bring more in on time and to budget. More on that and a booking form at

One of the big gotchas is around knowing what you are purchasing in the first place. Unlike Excel or a washing machine, which is well understood, proven, with few bugs and problems, and in use at countless places, housing application software may only be in use in a few dozen places, or not actually anywhere at all. Did you read that last bit right? Yes you did.

I have known large and sensible RSL's purchase software solutions just on the strength of a great sales pitch, a PDF or some mock up screens. Often the sale is done via a department team, e.g. From the asset management (not IT) budget, with the first that IT know of it, far down the line when it's not progressing.

Know your software that's there to be purchased. Selecting software that's not been written yet or is still a prototype, is not a problem if you know and understand that from the start. It obviously represents a risk and in my mind higher risk should equal lower prices. IE If my organisation was to be the guinea pig to test and get a new piece of software working, for a commercial company, I would like to see some significant recompense.

So how do you establish if you are the testing guinea pigs, or just another customer? Start by asking and obtaining a list of all existing live and installing users, for the proposed application. This clearly separates the facts from the sales rhetoric. If a list was not forthcoming, possibly this application is not already out anywhere after all.

Then establish who is using this software in a similar situation to you. If you are medium to large, to reduce risk it would be desirable to see other RSLs using the application in that space. If you are specialist, e.g. very C&S not general needs, is it relevant that the software is already working in that area? How well will it integrate into your other core applications? Is that proven elsewhere. Obtain clear facts, user names, contact details.

Pursue these points carefully, to establish the risk that will be involved with your project. Ensure expectations are set internally. If you have spoken with, or visited many organisations that have already implemented and working with this application, your testing should be reasonable and expectations should be that our project timetable might be achievable. Previous installs and lessons learnt, should allow a reliable one to be drawn up. If you haven't, you might be involved in effectively helping to build an application from scratch, with all the trials and tribulations that that brings. Ensure you have the facts before signing the contract.

"Let the buyer beware" caveat emptor as the Romans once said. Know in advance if you will be testing a software product, not a prototype. If you can use that course, book it fast, places are limited -
You can link with me on LinkedIn here - It would be great to connect !

Related post: Are you making good application software choices?

Audioweb - Test The Theory.

(c) Tony Smith, Acutance Consulting 07854-655009

PS As usual, if there are subjects you might like me to tackle on this blog, please get in touch and let me know!

File Under: 360,1stTouch,4Js. 07854-655009 , 07854655009 , 07854 655009 ," ""07854 655009"" ",07854-655009,#UKHousing,1st Touch,3squared, Acutence,Aareon,Academy,ActiveH,Alignment,ALMO,Anite,Apex,ArchHouse,Archouse,asbestos,Asprey e-state pro,Asset Management,Aurora,Average IT Costs,App,Associates,ACL,Abritas,AMS,AX,aspireview, BO,BPR,Browser Applications,Business Objects,Business Process Review,Business social networking, Blockwise, Block wise,BI,BancTec,BluTek,Bluebox, Castle,CBL,Cedar Open Accounts,Cx,Change,Cheaper Housing IT,Chics, CHR,Citrix,Civica,Clearview,CMS , CCS IT Keystone CCSIT, Contractor Systems,CORE,CorVu,Cost Reductions,Covalent,CRM,Crystal Reports,CTI,CTX,Customer Relationship Management,Cashflow, COA,Coactiva,Codeman,Comino,Competitive Dialogue process,complex IT procurements,Component Accounting,Consilium,Consolidation,Consultancy,Consultant,Contact Manager,Context,CIH,Chartered Institute Of Housing,Cadcorp,Cerrus Saturn,convergeOne,CACI,CPL Director, Deeplake,Development Systems,Document Management,Documotive,datasystems , Microsoft dynamics GP 2013 ECMK,EDRMS,England, English,EnterpriseBI,ERP Systems,ERP,Elmhurst,Estatecraft,EDM,ESRI,Exponential-e, Finance,Financial Systems,Financials, Factorwise,Facebook ,Fusion, Getting best from,gotonysmith, Grasp,Grip,GeoSolveIT,GIS,GGP, HouSys,Housing software,HG,Housemark survey,Housing Blueprint,Housing Group,hotpixuk, HousingIT,hotpix,Hardware,Hitex,Housing Contact Company, Impact Response,implementations,In House,In4,InMotion, InMotion2014, InMotion2015, InMotion2016 , Exhibition, conference, Infoflow,Information Technology,Informix,inHouse,in-house workforce, Innovation,Inside Housing,Internet Portal,Invu,Ireland,Irish,IT Budget,IT Training,iWorld, Innovation Group Apex,ITIL, In4Systems Promaster,IT,Insight, Keylogic,Keystone,Kirona,Kypera,Keyfax, Ledgers,Linkedin,Locality,Liquid Voice, MD ,Mr Void , MrVoid, Measuring Change,Mebus,Miracle,MISCS, mobile functionality,Monopoly board images and pictures, Montal,MS Dynamics,MS Dynamics CRM2011,Miracle Software,Management Reporting,MI,M3,MIS,MIS-AMS,Mobysoft, Northgate Codeman,Neighbourhoods and Communities, Northgate,Notice,NROSH,NINTEX , NINTEX workflow,Nintexworkflow, OA,OGC Buying Solutions,Ohms,OJEU Limits,OmFax,Omniledger,Open source software,open tender,OpenHousing,Opti-Time,Oracle,Orchard,Outsource and outsourcing,OpenContractor,ORS,OneServe, PIMMS Data Systems, Paloma,performance management systems,PfH,Pick,PIMMS,pimms4communities,Planned maintenance,People Value,Plus,Peoplevalue,PM,Progress,Promaster,Proval,Pyramid,PRINCE2,prince,Pamwin, QL,QLX,Quiss,Qlikview, Registered Providers,Registered Social Landlord,Rent Increase Freezes,Repairfinder,Reporting,Reports,ROCC , Rocket,RPs,RSL,Reality,ReAct,reidmark,RM865, Saffron,SAP,Scots, Scottish,Scotland,SDM,sector,Server Virtualisation,servicing, Servitor,Sharepoint,Simdel,Simdell,Slash and Burn,Social Media,Software,SQL Open Housing,SQL Reporting Services,SQL reporting services,SQL Server,Star rating,Stores and Stock,Strategic Asset Management,Sunguard ,Surveys,Sx3,System alignment, Systemwise,SM,Sequoa,Serros,SP,Scout,score,Swordfish,Serengeti,SOTI,south view,Sunguard,Service Charges, Template,Task,Terminal Services, tonys , tonysm , tonysmi , tonysmith, tonysmithth, tonysmiththa, tonysmiththat, tonysmiththath, tonysmiththatho, tonysmiththathou, tonysmiththathous, tonysmiththathousi, tonysmiththathousin, tonysmiththathousing, tonysmiththathousingg, tonysmiththathousinguy, sharepoint, share point Three Star,Today,Total repairs,Tribal,Twitter,U2, tonysmith , tonysmiththat , thathousing , thathousingIT , thathousingITguy ,TED,Tagish Casework,TP Tracker,Telecetera,Tagra,Trace, UniClass Enterprise,Unidata,Universal Housing,Universalcredit, universal credit, universal credits,UC,Universe,Unrest, UK, United Kingdom ,Ukhousing,UK Housing, Van Stock,Voice and data,Vantage Sentinel,Version One,Visualmetrics,Voluntas, Wales,Welsh,Windows Server,Workflow and tasking,Wheatley, Xmbrace,XML ,XenApp,Xen App     

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Uptown Top Ranking

If you do the Twitter thing, follow me at @hotpixUK
or LinkedIn here

It was great this week to see Paul Taylor of Bromford put together the top 50 housing digital power players. You won't have missed it, but here is a link anyway -
It contained 4 out of 5 people I know from Twitter, good eggs one and all, real ambassadors for housing. It generated plenty of tweets & re-tweets and also a very interesting curmudgeonly response from @churchiechat (24dash's own Brian Church) , who simultaneously made me smile and wince at the same time. You can read his 'revealing the emperors new clothes' contribution at

It obviously rattled a few cages as a quick search on Twitter reveals.

It is great to shine a light on things however and I think there is a serious point to it. I have seen how the current political regime has tried on many levels to wear down social housing, demonise it, question its worth. In our 50 digital power players, we have a number of exceptional individuals, using social and conventional media to fight the corner. In a landscape of perhaps 800 RSL's in the UK, 50 disciples for me falls woefully short.

I work with over a dozen organisations involved in providing or servicing social housing. Just about them all, have a comm's team. Often they do a great job generating content for quarterly newsletters or get involved in TP groups. Some are in our 50 and live and breathe the cause. I know some staff in comm's teams who are active on Twitter, but far more that are not engaged, do not see it as their job, do not understand it. Just like @churchiechat. He is not a bad man, just one of his generation I guess.

Now, I have substantial experience in communication, drafting news releases for software/services, a revived community library enterprise and a successful camera club. All of those utilise Facebook, Twitter, local and regional newspaper reports, brochures, posters on the back of toilet doors. I see the value in digital media as well as traditional means. Its "different strokes for different folks", as Gary Coleman used to say. I am used to making the mundane a bit more exciting, just like your comms team. They are skilled communicators. Honest!

If our 50 can invigorate just 5 comm's team people each. We have 250 more digital heroes, spreading the good news that @CouncilHomeChat manages to get across by busting myths about Social Housing by providing a platform for people's stories/experiences. I have deliberately changed 'Council' to 'Social'. I grew up in a 'Council House', but even that house now is a 'High Peak Community Housing' property (..and better for it too than what it was, I am sure). many places where I work, twitter provides KPIs as well as repairs and arrears. Number of staff on Twitter, No of tweets, RT's, followers etc.

With 300 more ground troops, we can really change hearts and minds. So a question to the 50, how can you motivate and invigorate your comm's professionals? I don't mean just getting them to just sign up on Twitter either. A user signed up with a hundred or less tweets for a year, labelled as 'Housing Comms Professional' doesn't cut it for me.  These people need help, guidance to see social media as worthy an avenue as the quarterly newsletter, to shape opinions and redress the balance.

We need to work fast. A big press and political machine is trying to remove Social Housing from the UK landscape. We need a machine as big as theirs and 50 trusted ambassadors, is a good way to start. Discuss.  

Read on to : Love and improve your repairs customer journey 

You can link with me on LinkedIn here - It would be great to connect !

Althia & Donna - Uptown Top Ranking.

(c) Tony Smith, Acutance Consulting 07854-655009

PS As usual, if there are subjects you might like me to tackle on this blog, please get in touch and let me know!

File Under: 360,1stTouch,4Js. 07854-655009 , 07854655009 , 07854 655009 ," ""07854 655009"" ",07854-655009,#UKHousing,1st Touch,3squared, Acutence,Aareon,Academy,ActiveH,Alignment,ALMO,Anite,Apex,ArchHouse,Archouse,asbestos,Asprey e-state pro,Asset Management,Aurora,Average IT Costs,App,Associates,ACL,Abritas,AMS,AX,aspireview, BO,BPR,Browser Applications,Business Objects,Business Process Review,Business social networking, Blockwise, Block wise,BI,BancTec,BluTek,Bluebox, Castle,CBL,Cedar Open Accounts,Cx,Change,Cheaper Housing IT,Chics, CHR,Citrix,Civica,Clearview,CMS , CCS IT Keystone CCSIT, Contractor Systems,CORE,CorVu,Cost Reductions,Covalent,CRM,Crystal Reports,CTI,CTX,Customer Relationship Management,Cashflow, COA,Coactiva,Codeman,Comino,Competitive Dialogue process,complex IT procurements,Component Accounting,Consilium,Consolidation,Consultancy,Consultant,Contact Manager,Context,CIH,Chartered Institute Of Housing,Cadcorp,Cerrus Saturn,convergeOne,CACI,CPL Director, Deeplake,Development Systems,Document Management,Documotive,datasystems , Microsoft dynamics GP 2013 ECMK,EDRMS,England, English,EnterpriseBI,ERP Systems,ERP,Elmhurst,Estatecraft,EDM,ESRI,Exponential-e, Finance,Financial Systems,Financials, Factorwise,Facebook ,Fusion, Getting best from,gotonysmith, Grasp,Grip,GeoSolveIT,GIS,GGP, HouSys,Housing software,HG,Housemark survey,Housing Blueprint,Housing Group,hotpixuk, HousingIT,hotpix,Hardware,Hitex,Housing Contact Company, Impact Response,implementations,In House,In4,InMotion, InMotion2014, InMotion2015, InMotion2016 , Exhibition, conference, Infoflow,Information Technology,Informix,inHouse,in-house workforce, Innovation,Inside Housing,Internet Portal,Invu,Ireland,Irish,IT Budget,IT Training,iWorld, Innovation Group Apex,ITIL, In4Systems Promaster,IT,Insight, Keylogic,Keystone,Kirona,Kypera,Keyfax, Ledgers,Linkedin,Locality,Liquid Voice, MD ,Mr Void , MrVoid, Measuring Change,Mebus,Miracle,MISCS, mobile functionality,Monopoly board images and pictures, Montal,MS Dynamics,MS Dynamics CRM2011,Miracle Software,Management Reporting,MI,M3,MIS,MIS-AMS,Mobysoft, Northgate Codeman,Neighbourhoods and Communities, Northgate,Notice,NROSH,NINTEX , NINTEX workflow,Nintexworkflow, OA,OGC Buying Solutions,Ohms,OJEU Limits,OmFax,Omniledger,Open source software,open tender,OpenHousing,Opti-Time,Oracle,Orchard,Outsource and outsourcing,OpenContractor,ORS,OneServe, PIMMS Data Systems, Paloma,performance management systems,PfH,Pick,PIMMS,pimms4communities,Planned maintenance,People Value,Plus,Peoplevalue,PM,Progress,Promaster,Proval,Pyramid,PRINCE2,prince,Pamwin, QL,QLX,Quiss,Qlikview, Registered Providers,Registered Social Landlord,Rent Increase Freezes,Repairfinder,Reporting,Reports,ROCC , Rocket,RPs,RSL,Reality,ReAct,reidmark,RM865, Saffron,SAP,Scots, Scottish,Scotland,SDM,sector,Server Virtualisation,servicing, Servitor,Sharepoint,Simdel,Simdell,Slash and Burn,Social Media,Software,SQL Open Housing,SQL Reporting Services,SQL reporting services,SQL Server,Star rating,Stores and Stock,Strategic Asset Management,Sunguard ,Surveys,Sx3,System alignment, Systemwise,SM,Sequoa,Serros,SP,Scout,score,Swordfish,Serengeti,SOTI,south view,Sunguard,Service Charges, Template,Task,Terminal Services, tonys , tonysm , tonysmi , tonysmith, tonysmithth, tonysmiththa, tonysmiththat, tonysmiththath, tonysmiththatho, tonysmiththathou, tonysmiththathous, tonysmiththathousi, tonysmiththathousin, tonysmiththathousing, tonysmiththathousingg, tonysmiththathousinguy, sharepoint, share point Three Star,Today,Total repairs,Tribal,Twitter,U2, tonysmith , tonysmiththat , thathousing , thathousingIT , thathousingITguy ,TED,Tagish Casework,TP Tracker,Telecetera,Tagra,Trace, UniClass Enterprise,Unidata,Universal Housing,Universalcredit, universal credit, universal credits,UC,Universe,Unrest, UK, United Kingdom ,Ukhousing,UK Housing, Van Stock,Voice and data,Vantage Sentinel,Version One,Visualmetrics,Voluntas, Wales,Welsh,Windows Server,Workflow and tasking,Wheatley, Xmbrace,XML ,XenApp,Xen App