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We are always talking about teams and partnerships aren't we, but these can be some of the hardest things in business to get right, particularly in business change and application software projects, even where a recognised methodology like PRINCE2 is being used
Why so hard then, to manage business change projects well?
Its probably a problem that IDS should be considering too, after many £m's wasted on the failed Universal Credit System. Sometimes people in projects use too much faith and not enough practical application, in managing the project, suppliers or the scope. Still, its not all bad news, England have lost their 2nd World Cup game but IDS has told BBC news, he believed England's campaign to win the world cup, is in budget,fit for purpose & on time.
Often one of the biggest problems is that sometimes people great at their day jobs, the so called Business As Usual, are deemed obviously great for new projects, such as implementations. Sometimes this works, but essentially different skills are required. Your IT bods are not the answer either.
Most projects implementing systems, EDM, repairs, mobile etc, are not IT projects, they are business change projects.
Experience of other projects is a great advantage, or getting help from an experienced external resource to add that vital ingredient. That can be the best way of jumping that hurdle sometimes.
Often everyone knows who should be on that project team to make it a success. Often those people however are two valuable to the business to release. Hence, some alternative, less able or valuable staff are found instead. Just to make it a bit more challenging, no backfilling of those staff roles is undertaken and they have to fit both in, the new implementation project and the day job.
Credit: http://uberhumor.com/
I have seen just that on a number of occasions, when representing the role of supplier, and even flagged it up for them. Even though warnings were clearly explained all those projects did not go as well as they could. It was hard to get answers to questions, configuration right and testing sign offs that could be believed. On one occasion, due to the project being behind and more risk than I felt acceptable, I refused to go live on the target date.
Responsible suppliers should be able to have that conversation with you. Suppliers know that problems can be way worse for all if your project goes live and everyone has to mop it up later.
If you have plans to bring in, upgrade or manage a housing applications software project, Rod Laird is running a course in early July that might help you keep it on track and avoid some of the many pitfalls in this area. Check it out on this link for Manchester or London venues. It might be the most useful course you attend this year. http://www.rodlaird.co.uk/default.asp?page=1469
Read on to : Are your customer service desks like an Interzone?

(c) Tony Smith, Acutance Consulting www.acutanceconsulting.co.uk 07854-655009
PS As usual, if there are subjects you might like me to tackle on this blog, please get in touch and let me know!
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