or LinkedIn here https://uk.linkedin.com/in/tonysmiththathousingitguy
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Last week it was again a pleasure to be part of the 2019 #HousingDay with Leslie Channon, Barry Malki , Mark Lawrence and Jon Land of HQN
Leslie has been an involved social housing resident for many years and now a shared owner. Leslie's landlord Cottsway kindly provided facilities where various sessions could be filmed and we had a dedicated space with internet access.
Followers of HousingDay will be aware of our Wordpress site and Twitter Account that connects with the social media world. This year we managed to have the #HousingDay hashtag trending at number three on Twitter. That was a tough call ahead of ‘Merkel’ (Angela with a announcement on EU / UK Brexit) and something called the ‘Rugby World Cup’ (anyone heard of that one?).
We reached number three by about 11am in the morning, which was probably the quickest ever, with tens of thousands of tweets, retweets, faves & mentions across the whole UKhousing community. We also had a collection of live streamed videos, broadcast straight from the Cottsway office in Witney.
For the first time ever, we crashed our Twitter Account due to the volume of over 2,500 tweets by 11am on @HousingDay 😊
That’s something that I have never quite managed before, but it could not have been for a better cause. The way the whole housing community engaged, including lots resident reaction of all kinds, was again really incredible.
Readers of this blog and followers familiar with my Twitter stream, will be aware of the varied work I do, across landlords managing a few dozen to tens of thousands of homes. Personally I tend to see landlords improving systems / solutions and therefore are trying hard to bring benefits to residents and their communities.
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Tony Smith @HousingITguy & Leslie Channon @LeslieChannon |
Personally, I like to see the bad as well as the good experiences aired. Those also allow landlords to improve processes and target better management of staff and third party contractors. In my opinion, not acting on bad service to turn it around, learning from it, is a missed opportunity, for everyone.
Failing service should NEVER be swept under the carpet in the sector, although I see the majority of residents experience great value and there's respect both ways. Always be improving is my ethic, as anyone who has ever worked with me would probably confirm. The sector must take the same approach, always.
On opportunities, now is the time to think if your organisation would like to host #HousingDay next year. If you are interested, please contact Leslie Channon, Jon Land or myself and we will be pleased to discuss practicalities, for Oct 2020.
We hope you enjoyed the event this year and will support it again!
Related Post: A shame we still seem to be a long way off from a solar panel on every roof
Catch the blog monthly archive at https://soundcloud.com/housingitguy/ |
I would be pleased to connect with you on LinkedIn - http://uk.linkedin.com/in/tonysmiththathousingitguy Message me with any issues or queries, you would like to be explored in this blog. We generally receive a couple of suggestions each month.

(c) Tony Smith, Acutance Consulting www.acutanceconsulting.co.uk 07854-655009
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Could we help you or your organisation? Our contact details are here , get in touch we will be pleased to chat about your problems and help with your organisation issues.
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