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Asbestos, love it or hate it, we have to manage it carefully, don't we?
The other day I was watching a demo of someone logging a repairs order in a CRM module and a message popped up. It was a warning that asbestos was present at the asset. Now in this case i think the point for the audience was to demonstrate that asbestos info was properly integrated to the contacts address & rent account.
However, spookily I have seen plenty of live running CRM modules where a message pops up, telling users that blue asbestos is present. You know what they do, they click OK to clear it off the screen. They certainly don't say, "Hey Mrs Miggings, I have got to warn you, you're riddled with blue asbestos, although don't worry about it!". Well most I work with don't anyway.
So what on earth would a message like that be for? Why have it and what would be of greater use?
Well obviously, CRM staff don't need to see that message, it just needs to find its way to all our external and internal workforces are fully aware of it, before starting works. Messages should be tailored to the context. If we have a non-English as first or preferred language speaker on the line, let's see that clearly and know we need to take extra care.
In addition, those messages can be translated in a more accessible way for operatives and contractors. For example, we might collect lots of vulnerability and disability data, how do we turn that into information, for say a plumber or a neighbourhood officer? Well, a vulnerability such as 'Wheelchair user' could be easily translated to an icon indicating limited mobility. 'Deafness' of various degrees can be translated to 'Knock hard & Wait'. 'Violent' can be translated to a 'No lone visits'.
It's the difference between data and information and we often fall into the trap of thinking they are the same. They are similar, but poles apart in what can make us effective. Imagine data is green paddy field rice, stretching for miles and information is the nice white, fluffy stuff we enjoy so much with savoury sauces, in a small portion, served up on our plates.
The way we turn data into information is to add context. Information aids the transmission of knowledge and moves us closer to an end goal. If that's waiting ten minutes longer, for that customer to get to the door to let our plumber in, that's a result. I see too many reports too, in our software solutions, falling short of giving us information. It's a few columns of data at best in most cases. So let's up our game, get cooking, people!
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Related Post: Are some of our system problems because we sometimes just view 'Go-Live' as the endgame?
I would be pleased to connect with you on LinkedIn - http://uk.linkedin.com/in/tonysmiththathousingitguy Message me with any issues or queries, you would like to be explored in this blog. We generally receive a couple of suggestions each month.

(c) Tony Smith, Acutance Consulting www.acutanceconsulting.co.uk 07854-655009
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