Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Good Morning judge

If you do the BlueSky/Twitter/X thing, follow me at @HousingITguy or LinkedIn here

A very well timed post for the tail end of 2024 and the start for the new year. Always a milestone for taking stock and setting yourself and your organisations in some cases, for some new resolutions. 2025 is your blank sheet of paper.

As anyone who reads my posts here will know, I work with a wide range of organisations of all sizes. As any of those I am sure would tell you, I do my best to help with my experience or point them to other means of carefully referencing product choices before they are made or finding other help from my contacts. I have been told at times that my optimism and confidence in getting problems solved can be legendary. Indeed if you believe you are beaten before you start, your hope is lost!

Last year I worked with a few organisations coming out of downgrades or regulator judgements. The common theme of all of these were that they were all great teams of people, exceptional CEOs, looking to improve processes, solutions, systems and in some cases needing to take up a new direction. A downgrade should be a temporary wake up call, with issues that can generally be addressed. No regulator judgement will generally tell anyone they needs to change a housing or assets system, but will point to making moves to get better control of data, improve service (such as repairs, maintenance) or governance. Systems and/or the way staff operate them however are usually the root of many troubles.

Apart from helping folk in the sector, I also assist many residents, tenants, leaseholders and factored owners, where I can. Some I can see get a raw deal with something as fundamental as their home. (Yes, home, not a ‘unit’ or an ‘asset’). Often it’s the same culprits I am afraid. I seriously have wondered if some CEO’s might be better paid based on their ratings not their PR.

I have sometimes been asked how I can remain positive working with social housing landlords and councils, when some residents experience can often be just of failing ones? My answer is that I think I see better landlords, as whoever I work with is looking to sort out their systems, not bury their faults and pretend all is fine. I never seem to get the call from any of those usual suspects. I am unsure if they would agree with some of my approaches, once I had had the audacity to hold a mirror up to them!

So anyway, what judgement's have the regulator been up to, just up to Christmas?

Well the RSH has been busier this year than most and it looks like more in depth assessments (deep dive IDAs) are coming thick and fast in 2025. Here’s over fifty from December alone - from Accent Group to the YMCA St Pauls Group. Checkout the G1’s & V1’s and also a few downgrades too.

These inspections can be regarded as quick exams and for sure I have heard of more than a few RSLs ‘boning up’ to show a clean set of heels for the inspectors arrival. In the past I have also experienced this at times in the wake of implementing a new system, during very common data cleansing exercises. While the impetus and priority of these exercises are commendable, like a pet not only being for Christmas, it should be a continual practice. In fact its better becoming the organisation culture. Its often been a serious point of discussion in my projects, how do we embed this respect for data and processes going forward after go-live?

Well, I have quite a few interesting projects on-going into 2025 and this last point is a feature of pretty much most of them. It might surely be a good call for a post later into the year!

Worried about an in depth inspection from the RSH coming up?
Get in touch, for a chat soon over coffee & Hobnobs

       Related Post: Have you got ICT projects taking so long, they are more like ghost ships lost in the fog?



*** Join the discussion with Claire & Aiden ***



I would be pleased to connect with you on LinkedIn - Message me with any issues or queries, you would like to be explored in this blog. We generally receive a couple of suggestions each month.

10cc Good Morning judge10cc Good Morning Judge.
(c) Tony Smith, Acutance Consulting 07854-655009

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